Joanna Yang
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Max Brenner & Cookie Museum

The past 2 Tuesdays have gone out with 2 of my church choir friends. We went to the Esplanade (which looks durian-shaped). P brought us to Max Brenner the 1st week. It sells all things chocolate, although there's no chocolate buffet. I'm not really a chocolate fan like most gals, but due to my curiosity i just tried it out.

Ordered a dark chocolate with marshmallows; P's was also a dark chocolate drink, but hers on the right was much creamier/had more milk. Interesting colour...like a creme brulee

3 of us also shared a chocolate souffle.

The last Tues tat just passed, P brought us to the Cookie Museum, which was just beside Max Brenner. Apparently she must be a frequent customer since the staff even knew her by name!!

This place/business was a very interesting concept and has its quirkiness. According to P u just order any tea or dessert, then they'd let u sample all kinds of cookies. The types they have is enough to astound. They had savoury types like Tom Yum flavour?!?! (each cookie had a whole soft shell crab on it!!) this cost S$42; chicken rice; laksa; nasi lemak; hae bee hiam (spicy prawn cracker which P's family Loves!); then the normal sweet ones they have Madeleine Rose, Lavender, Berrylite (blueberry), lollipop (banana choco actually), cranberry lemon, pineapple, chocolate variations; madagascar orchid (but it is more of vanilla); and a lot more i can't recall...

All the sample sizes are tiny cookies like a 10c coin, but the force of the flavours just burst in your mouth despite its small size. And the savoury ones, really taste like the mentioned flavours! Even tho they said the chicken rice, is all vegetarian ingredients-no chicken stock. Quite amazing.

P had a voucher we used for a pot of tea. And the quirky part is; i wanted to share the tea with my friends, so i asked for more cups, they REFUSED to give more cups and INSISTED it's portion for ONE ONLY (as stated in the voucher). We also ordered a dessert 3 marnier cake (3 kinds of alcohol like Bailey's, Kahlua and i cant remember wat), which i didnt like coz it tasted more like a fruitcake, but P liked it more than the Bailey's one she had last time (prolly i'd like that more). Oh, i loved my tea. It was called Ruby Pomegranate or something and it was nice, floral/fruity and light with white tea (which has more antioxidants than green tea).

At the end of it, my throat was dying coz im easily proned to heatiness, kept drinking water and had to go to the loo twice :p. While both of them purchased THREE CANS of cookies each which amounted to S$105. Can u believe it??? Initially i refuse to buy, but seeing them buy so many, i also wanted to share this with my family members. And also, they always increased the price from time to time. Like they said 16th of Jan they'd increase from 35 to 38; 42 to 45 bucks depending on which kind of cookies. CRAZY pricing! So my friends brought like 1-2 cans home, and the other is a prepayment so has to Lock in the price.

And the final querky thing about them is, they WON'T repeat flavours. They are seasonal. And i asked wat if customers demand strongly for a certain flavour? They said the chef will NOT repeat the flavour. I told P it makes NO BUSINESS SENSE at all. But she said they must have corporate clients which buy in bulk from them.

Lastly, i asked who's the management (top guy) of this shop? They said he only wants to be known as Mr Ong and nothing more. This Cookie Museum is also linked to the Tatami shop in Katong which is very near my church.

Here're the pics...(Oh they also REFUSED PHOTOS to be taken in the nice shop, which sits very few ppl btw..). So could only take the can i bought home.

My nice floral Madeleine Rose cookie which cost $35 before the 3 bucks increase soon...They said normally gals would like it more. But then one of my guy member whacked 3 at one go!

Overall, i'd say it's good to go there for a LOOOONG afternoon tea break with close ones. Tho the tea $15 is not tat cheap, at least u get to sample the vast variety of cookies.

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Oh yeah I luuuuurrrrrrv Max Brenner too! They are addictive! Yum yum yum... Good idea why don't I go and get a HOT CHOCOLATE in DARK right now?!
15 年多 ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007