Joanna Yang
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Meeting a fellow AnD member :)

Few days ago, learnt that Ardyce was coming to Singapore to attend her fiance's MBA graduation ceremony, hence decided to meet her up today.

Initially the couple and i were meeting for lunch at Takashimaya/Ngee Ann City today at 12pm. But since Don had to fetch his parents from the airport, that left us gals with time together. We ate at Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Pao restaurant. Shared a beef la mian soup and a long of xiao long pao. After that we went to the basement which had lots of small eateries.

Introduced Ardyce to Royce chocolates which she bought for both sides' parents. Too bad the champagne flavour was not there at that time, and they had this new apple brandy flavour which she bought, which i haven't tried. Guess it's a special flavour intro-ed during Christmas. For a weekday, it was pretty crowded and there were queues. Perhaps due to christmas shopping during lunch time.

After that we went to Coffee Club for drinks-strawberry smoothie and iced passion tea with vanilla ice-cream. Took some photos with the huge Christmas tree before walking around into Tiffany & Co and Cartier to look at rings. Then walked to Wisma Atria for a short while before Ardyce had to rush off to Fullerton hotel to meet the parents who just arrived.

Tho a short less than 3 hours, but i was delighted to meet Ardyce, otherwise known as AC100 from AnD. It's nice to meet up friends whom we see online so often in real life. Too bad not in HK, if not would meet up with more of you =)

Yeps and we talked about you guys yes...you! hehe...  ;)


接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
yep...singapore just rains at most it's the cold air con that's the killer in certain places
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool. i think its great when online friends can turn into offline meetings (in a safe and controlled environment of course!) Its interesting to compare when you meet them face to face too of course.
接近 17 年 ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007