Joanna Yang
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My Free Day-Thurs 21/2

Yep Thursday is my free day of the week; work on weekends as mentioned in my previous posts. Today is the 15th day of the lunar new year, also coinciding is my church friend's birthday, as well as the Big Toto S$10.5 million draw, results out at 930pm if i didnt hear wrongly. Reimbursed my dad to buy 3 sets of System 7, hope something would come out of it :P Haven't won anything from such draws before...

Nowadays Mr Cloudz works till really late like 1-2am plus due to the peak season for Audit. Decided to have lunch with him at Soup Spoon and he ordered his usual Tokyo Chicken Stew which tastes a bit like a chinese broth, whereas i ordered a Beef Goulash and Breaded Buttons (Fried succulent mushrooms with cheese oozing out inside yum  ) and he ordered something i secretly wanted as well which as a simple potato wedges with paprika spice and mayo. Normally he'd not order that as i tend to nosebleed after overdosage of fried food, so was quite surprised. We were Very Full. The 12pm lunch crowd from the CBD area was crazy...queue was snaking and we had to sit on those high chairs. But was grateful to find seats even. After lunch, becoz he had lots of work to do, he couldnt have tea with me at Ya Kun as wat we usually do. So i brought forward my facial appt with Passage-Cosmopolitan Spa to 1:15pm, instead of 2pm.

It's been months since i last went for a facial. I was afraid that becoz i was pregnant, their massage might not be gd for me. But in the end i just told them, and they made some alterations like doing lighter massages (anyway it was just the top half of the body), and no eye treatment which involved electricity? Felt gd pampering myself with a long awaited facial. Actually many times after i finish the package, tried to break away from them. But i dunno why i always end up signing up again with them. Maybe it's the very nice ambience, the soothing catholic related music, maybe it's their persuasive lowering of pricing for me (sales tok), i dunno? And could also have lunch with Mr Cloudz b4 that too since it's all in the same area.

After facial, went to Orchard Takashimaya to hunt for my church friend's pressie and window shop. The MRT layout changed and the exit up towards Wisma/Taka was also changed. Was disoriented and almost went to the wrong exit up. Fortunately followed the new ION orchard sign exit which was slightly further away. Saw clothes, shoes, jewellery, bread stores etc...Ended up buying 2 discounted dresses which cost S$53 altogether. Tot it's quite gd to buy dresses since i can wear when im pregnant and after that as well-so quite versatile.

Went to the Taka side and saw post CNY sales, decided to check it out for the pressie and anything i can get for Mr Cloudz. Initially wanted to buy a shirt as well for my guy friend, but i saw a A4 holder that can hold papers/stationery. So bought that for him instead since he's currently studying his Master's.

[Commercial break: Luckily AnD blogs has autosave, my laptop just DIED suddenly just now! Argh...]

Saw some Surfer's Paradise T-shirts but they dun look very nice, in the end my attention was turned instead to this white linen like collar shirt with thin flowery design which looks very resort wear. So bought that instead and it's slim fit, can show off a bit of his upper torso    Becoz it's flowery, but in thin lines (not those obiang/over the top kinds), it takes a Man to be able to carry it off. Hopefully we can go Bali and he can wear that too. Can't wait to see him try out the shirt :) After that wrapped the birthday pressie mentioned above and bought a Strawberry Julius drink with pepperoni hot dog. Im definitely overeating....:PPP

Took MRT back, and was curious to see if ppl would see that im pregnant and would give up seats for me hehe. But Mr Cloudz during lunch time said my stomach is still not big enuff. Not Heavily Pregnant....Yeps, in the end i only sat down when there was 1 empty slot. I guess i prefer to drive heh.

Okie hope tonight would bring some luck  altho difficult...tata

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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007