Official Artist
Joanna Yang
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Haven't touched the internet from Sunday till yesterday night since was at my own home (and nobody bothered to repair the internet access week after week). Tried to call the service provider and reset the password but didnt seem to work, seems there's more to it...

Some interesting blogs i read that was accumulated over the wk...including some unkind ppl in AnD.

Woke up at 1030am as usual on my 'free-er' days. Wonder if my in laws are like used to it or they 'frown' upon it. They are early sleepers and early wakers, whereas im the opposite. My MIL would wake up early to prepare breakfast for her children, and she was scrubbing clothes while i washed up just now. My mentality for not waking up too early when im not working early is that it's better to get more rest, and if im working from afternoon till night, wat's the point of waking up so early anyway? Only on weekends i work from mornings till late afternoons.

Seems like everytime over at Mr Cloudz' place, at ard 10 plus there'd be this incessant hammering of stuff which sounds like directly above our room. It's sooooooo irritating. I wonder wat do they have so much to hammer about? Are they like making coffins or wat? Weird...wonder wat they do for a living...

Mm...today Thursday is like my Sunday...wonder should i make plans to go out or not...

Have to eat less fried foods, yest after Macs supper, my nose started bleeding again...and sometimes when i sleep i throw the bloody tissues in the direction of the basket and most of the time they're all ard the floor. This morning i found one really bloody tissue which stained the floor, and the blood was like coagulated blood :PPP I had to like pour water and scrub with numerous tissues before the blood stains totally wiped out :P I know im grossing you out, pardon me heh. K tats all for this random entry... 

over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
Photo 22991
yah i have lots of those coagulated blood thingee, it's like literally coughing out blood, BLOBS of blood!!! argh the nobes nape thing sounds chim....not sure where are they
over 16 years ago
Photo 22991
Rennie i had to scrub scrub, using my fingernails applying pressure on the numerous tissues
over 16 years ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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April 12, 2007