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Joanna Yang
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random stuff & weird dreams

It's raining AGAIN, housewives must be complaining about all the clothes not being able to dry. My wild guess is that temperate countries' snow are melting or Winter is turning to Spring, hence the cold winds travelling to our warm country (mixed with the hot winds) caused the rain. Haha im like rambling my own logic nonsense from wat i recall from was it geography tat i took in sec sch...

Today would be going down to gynae for visit again, it's been about a mth. I guess now should be about 4 mths plus, and hopefully tonight the baby would allow us to see its gender. Still wondering...guess i've aldy mentioned my preference for which gender including mr cloudz' in my previous blogs but most imptly as long as the baby is healthy and well. Mr Cloudz have been doing OT lately due to audit's peak season as usual...hopefully he'd make it in time for tonight's session.

Few days ago, dreamt about AnD ppl....Daniel Wu and Peachey. It's quite ironic that dan wu's supposed to be my no. 1 idol here, and yet i dreamt of Andrew and Pat instead the last time, whereby the dream was somewat more interesting. See link  http://www.alivenotdead.com/cloudz7/Weird+dream+of+AnD+Ppl-profile-6772.html

Then again, this time even i dreamt of dan wu, it was not much interaction anyway. He was just sitting somewhere with his usual nonchalant expression. Since days have lapsed since this dream, can't really remember the details. Peachey on the other hand was like having some fun conversation with me, like some gals' talk stuff.

Anyway...continuing with dreams, i just dreamt that i was in a church and the priest was dressed in golden robes and someone was getting married. it's quite weird, but i was wearing like my old wedding gown to attend the ceremony to 'recycle', how weird. Also dreamt of a colleague who plays the clavinova and sometimes jams on the keyboards in my music sch's showroom. Think our staff were having lunch together. Wanted to ask him more about stuff he plays and maybe jam together. Actually in reality, whenever i see him playing, feel like playing also, but due to my shyness, i never played the keyboards in the showroom, only banged the piano in the studio im teaching. Guess im not as showy (pun intended) as i tot... so corny :P

Update: Just got a new private student last night. He's a total beginner and graduated from the same uni i was in. Apparently there's a gal who wanted to learn with him but she was having exams, can only learn in april/may. im guessing it should be his gf or someone he really likes...can see he simply adores her petite built and from his words "cute and meinu (pretty gal in chinese)".  [A horrible SHARP thunder sound strike just now...pretty scary, the skies are gloomy grey...]

Okie im like procrastinating doing my Parent teacher meeting agenda, supposed to finish it by today. Cya guys~

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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