Joanna Yang
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Shokudo restaurant

1st time patronizing this eatery. Like wat they said, it was a Marche concept, get the card, order wat u want then pay when exiting. Cost of losing the card is $100.

Quite a variety there which is the reason why i'd go back there again to try other foods. Stepped in, saw jap pizzas (serving a bit small tho), miso stews with breads, tempura, sushi, they also have rosti like marche, jap burgers with fries, ramen, hot pot, katsu curry don, egg katsu don, jap omelette with various fillings, jap drinks, gelato, crepes, waffles, jap iced desserts, cheesecakes (tofu, red bean etc), etc etc.

So many things to choose from dunno wat to eat, so since i had a lingering craving, i ordered chicken katsu curry rice. Took 3 mins or less to be ready. It was a huge serving. Couldnt finish the white rice portion, the auntie waitress asked if i wanna takeaway. I was like, er No? Coz i finished the curry chicken and potatoes and carrots? Not exactly a super rice-loving person, but i like sushi rice which has slight vinegar in it, makes it tastier, and of course nice dishes to go with normal rice.

Wanted to get a drink, but think average for a normal drink like iced tea cost $3.50 aldy, so stuck to my plain water bottle. Used the money for dessert instead. At 1st tot of crepe or waffle (cheaper with ice-cream), but too full. So ordered Asuki bean with mochi and choice of ice-cream dessert. Chose the rock melon. It was very nice/refreshing/yummy melon taste. Too bad the scoop was just average small size. I tot they gave too much red beans (which im not a super fan of either), then realised it was the top part only, and below was just blended ice. Just nice, after the full lunch, manage to finish my dessert as well.

Would come here again to try the other varieties of foods.

My meal cost $16 plus after service and govt taxes

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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007