Joanna Yang
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Yup was sick hence was not around...

Yest was my evaluation 1st thing in the morning. Was the 1st in my grp and i guess i finished the 1st among the 4 groups as well. I couldnt believe my ears when my course instructor said something like "Thank you for giving me the chance to hear your playing" So i thanked her for teaching us and i told her things that she tot of, i wouldnt have tot of. Yeps, experienced teacher tats why. Other comments she gave was "Very fluent playing....Warm voice...very pleased you worked hard given u finished the previous book only recently" As i was supposed to go for this training in Sept but it clashed with my maternity. Hence i requested tat i go for this training with the 1st batch ppl. So glad it ended well.

After which had a peach tart and lemon tea break b4 heading off to Orchard Rd for my solo shopping. Walked/shopped from Wisma Atria all the way to Orchard Cineleisure, including the opposite Paragon. Bought a pink flare dress from Forever 21 which was very affordable given it's a dress and chiffon like material. Hungry after shopping to Taka, so went to basement and bought Tako Pachi balls (bacon & cheese) with added sauce & fish flakes for snack. At the infant section, bought a cute small white dress with pink hearts for Stariel when she turns 1 coz i think older babies look nicer with dresses than infants who will grow out very fast. Then another cream top with flowery design at the corner for infants. Pleased with my buys. After tat walked to Paragon. Wanted to say hi to my friend working at Project Shop brothers eatery cum clothes shop, but she wasnt ard. Checked out Lawry's Prime Ribs, not bad, on weekdays they have 1-for-1 main course, which is very worth it for its steeper prices. Never had it b4 tho, should try one day. Then went to Spaggeddies for lunch. They had set lunch on weekdays too, ordered a beef lasagne. And i think this is partly the reason why i fell sick. Coz maybe the beef was too heaty.

Went for movie alone (1st time) at Orchard Cineleisure to watch Sex & the City coz Mr cloudz didnt like the older women in there :P I have never watched the series b4 even coz its not shown here in SG. And the movie was censored to M18...argh everything here is censored. Pathetic censorship board. Yeps there was a hot body and some bits of action. But i liked the movie coz there were many touching/ heart wrenching parts of relationships. Guess i am emotional coz i actually wept a few times in the show...well well. However, the aircon in the cinema was FREAKING COLD even with my cardigan on, and mi being preggie (body temp usually higher), and the cinema was ard half filled. Guess this exacerbated my condition.

Came out, it was alrdy 5pm, and it was raining cum sunshine (ppl said it makes u fall sick). Then the bus aircon was very cold too..Taught 2 students from 8-10pm somemore.

Today feeling a bit better, just yellow mucus/phlegm, sore throat blah blah....and tmr im having my visit to the gynae's, b4 tat having a blood test :( coz my parents are slight diabetics...SIGHHHHHHH i hate needles poking me....Tat time just had blood test i dunno why they can't test everything one shot, trying to earn more $$ from us....Anyway pray tat the tests results would be fine...

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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007