Official Artist
Joanna Yang
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Tagged by Christine


  1. Each blogger starts with 10 random facts/habits about themselves.

  2. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their blog about their 10 things and then post these rules.

  3. At the end of your blog, you need to chose 10 people to get tagged and list their names.

  4. Dont forget to leave them a comment telling thye're tagged, and to read your blog.

Okie, i know some of you may be tired of being tagged. But i guess we learn more about each other in some ways or other rite? Taking it positively...

1) Turning 27 this year, and my birthday is the same as Andy Lau's on 27th Sept.

2) Was on this website becoz of Daniel Wu whose birthday is on 30th Sept.

3) I did bungee jumping at Batam for S$50 paid by my dad's friend when i was 15 years old.

4) As a kid, i was a tomboy, scrawny, had mosquito bites all over my legs, played soccer, baseball, race, cycle, blade etc.

5) And now i seldom exercise. I like cycling stil but my bikes are rusty and im pregnant now. Occasionally when playing the piano seriously, i amazingly sweat.

6) I love to eat cheese and stuff with cheese in it. More of a savoury person than a sweet toothed person-prefer pies, pizzas etc over sweets, chocolates. But im still ok with the latter.

7) Mum's a taiwanese, but my dad and i are Singaporeans. Went to Taiwan every year when i as a baby till i hit University, too busy with choir carolling during Christmas Dec holidays and stuff.

8) Was an auditor at Ernst & Young for 3 years before i quit to join a music sch to teach full time, i teach at home as well for my private students.

9) Currently i have 2 homes, but none belong to me. Mr Cloudz' and my parents', his at North, mine facing the East Coast. And i have to commute to and fro-weekdays to my house to teach my private students, Fridays/weekends at his place.

10) I'm a Catholic, and i play organ/piano and sing for the choir every Sunday at my church at 6pm, which is at the East as well.

K, some are really boring facts which some of u might have known already.

Tagging: Jane, Peachey, Rennie, Tinlunlau, Dark Justice, Yes_Tom, Elizabeth Leong, Jon T, Joanne S, Pongza




over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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