Joanna Yang
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Thurs adventures-my 'Sunday'

Yeps another episode of my ramblings of how i spend my free day of the week.

Today, woke up at 1050 plus am, washed up, dressed up and rushed out to meet Mr Cloudz for lunch (even though i haven't had breakfast!) Coz Mr CLoudz specified to meet him at 1145am to beat the lunch crowd in the business district. For sometime i wanted to try out this Italian Restaurant at Lau Pat Sat which was featured on TV (i guess for good food, else wun be featured). Yes as u read in my previous blogs, i wanted to eat proper lasagne from a gd eatery, hence i already told Mr Cloudz to order it once he reached, and also becoz that was my breakfast cum lunch (i'd be hungry by the time i reach there...i sound like a glut rite? haha). The place was called Etna Restaurant & Pizzeria. And i guess the chef/boss is Italian. Mr Cloudz ordered a set lunch which had veg soup, small bites like garlic bread (but it was hard-like italian breads :P), pieces of pepperoni, cheese (which i was not allowed to eat ) and olives (which i dun eat, only like olive oil). His main course was a dory but only 2 small pieces. My lasagne looked sumptious and he was quick to attack it! (competitor in food!). Guess wat? I brought my camera to take the dishes and he was like saying that later ppl think im "Swaku" (Country bumpkin), i said it's normal to take photos of food wat! We're like doing food reviews in our small ways...i mean i know a number of ppl who do that...then in my embarrassment after wat he said, i DROPPED MY CAMERA ON THE FLOOR with a THUD!  And of course i tried to switch it on for the 1st time, and no response! I tried to remove, 'massage' the battery and replace it, but stil dead. I tot my camera was Spoilt. And the price was not cheap!!! Quite sad. So i had to eat my food w/o taking pics b4 the vulture eyeing my lasagne eat more portion than he should hehe :P Was staring ard the place, it was diff coz the restaurant had 2 glass indoor areas separated by a walkway, hence i was surprised to find the other one empty at 1st when i entered, just to realise Mr Cloudz was walking towards me from the other glass area. And there was another Italian cafe situated at the other side of Lau Pat Sat and they are related. Didn't know that...There was a huge pic of a volcano i guess from Italy tot it was Vesuvias (sp? not sure italian) Then i saw books displayed, and saw it was the Etna volcano. And i tot the owner named it after his wife's name, so it was a volcano's name. Perhaps his hometown? Patriotic. Japanese also have lots of companies named Fuji after their famous mountain. Then i realised the cups we were drinking from also had Etna imprinted on it...

Dessert arrived. It was pistachio tiramisu. Beforehand i asked the waitress if it had alcohol since i was supposed to abstain from it since im preggie. To my delight she said no. Too bad no photo of the pretty pistachio tiramisu. First fork in, and into my mouth. It was sooooo delicious...  The cream cheese was yummy with the crunchy nuts and moist base....in no time at all it was finished. I told Mr Cloudz i'd treat him today since he's running low on cash flow due to his multiple bills (take note, i pay for my own expenses). UOB credit card had 15% discount on ala carte items, was happy  Bill came up to ard S$47 bucks. Would go there again to try the pizza/cabonara...dinner time got free dessert! Satisfied. Mr Cloudz looks quite happy too after the nice lunch, b4 heading back to his place of slavery...

I went off to Victoria Concert Hall to register ABRSM music (piano) exam for my student. Saw many sch kids there for sch excursions. The ground was wet from the rain, but otherwise it was a very nice walk since there was a cool breeze, and walked across Cavenagh bridge from the business district side to the music side (mm tat suddenly sounds like my career change, how symbolic...) After that went back to take the MRT down to Orchard Rd.

Went to Lucky Plaza to check on my camera 1st. Jaywalked :P Know i shouldnt have, but im lazy...jaywalk queen :P The guy inserted a new battery into my camera. And it worked! Phew, luckily it was just battery flat, and not dead from the shock. The guy said if it dropped with the cover, should be ok still. He joked that the service charge was S$50!!! Heh...i just tried to be nice and asked how much were cameras these days? He said $200 plus for 7 megapixels....So cheap!!! Compared to the time i bought mine, was almost triple the price and much less megapixels!! But was relieved my camera was still fine.

Went to Takashimaya, checked out Kinokunya for new release of my comic series. Saw one new bk :) Trashy love comic books...this one's about the prez of the sch's student union being a maid latte to support her family, and this supposedly Mr 100% perfect guy onto her and protecting her. Bought the bk, felt thirsty so headed down to Coffee Bean to order a Sunrise (vanilla with orange) and sat down at a sofa seat to read my comic bk. The cup was quite huge for a regular (but the prices have increased), took a long time to finish that and my comic. Meanwhile a boy was making some noises in the next table but the dad was controlling him and playing with him while the wife and the mother were talking so absorbedly till they completely ignore the boy and the dad.....Poor dad......Time to time the boy's noisiness got a bit to me, and i was wondering...if having a boy is a gd thing in the end? (i still dunno the sex of my foetus) But i guess hopefully my child would be more well behaved than that :PP But then judging from my behavīor when i was young,  maybe not :P And Mr Cloudz claimed he was mischievous...well well....just as long as it's healthy i guess.

Later on walked to the dept store to look ard. Funny thing is i lost interest in the clothes there even tho i had vouchers to use. Saw KFC, and took away my Cheesy Meltz :P (sitting beside me now). Saw the square had a Baby Fair till 23 March...but i was wondering if it's too early to buy now...Smsed Mr Cloudz and he said prob might go down this sat to check it out...i said maybe....see how. Headed home in MRT before the peak hr. No one offered seats for me again, and when ppl stood up, 2-3 guys rushed in to sit. And one of them was a young guy who sat for a few stops. And he somemore stared at my tummy and looked at me, but didnt budge. Shame on such Singaporean guys...i pity his present/future gf/wife. I guess ppl tot my tummy is still small, altho visible already...guess it's about 17 weeks now? Ard 4 mths? Mm...next week 13 March is my next gynae visit and hopefully i can tell the gender of the child by then.

K, end of my Thurs adventures...sorry no delicious food photos, hopefully u can imagine tho

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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007