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Joanna Yang
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Tiring Weekend

As most of you know weekend are my busiest days of work due to 6 group classes almost back to back with a lunch break in between. This weekend was totally taken since i had 2 family functions to attend on each weekend.

Sat after classes, Mr Cloudz fetched me to my cousin's place at Four Seasons Apartment for the younger cousin's farewell dinner. She's going to Qatar Doha, think one of the resort hotels affliated to her Ritz Carlton hotel for at least 1 year. Her mum as usual (big chef) whipped up to they said 12 dishes individually served for us family members! I didn't count the number of dishes but it was super a lot, my stomach was about to explode by the end of it all. From wat i remember, 1st dish was viet spring roll (non fried), 2nd papaya or mango salad which was too spicy for my taste, but my elders loved it, 3rd some tiny starfruit shaped cut veg fried with spices and hae bee (dried shrimps)-which was not my cup of tea either, (then forgot the sequence), there was the very yummy stuffed chicken wings that's super tasty, saw like mushrooms and stuff, my bro claimed it was crabmeat stuffed into it. I loved it. Guess it's a lot of work doing this dish. Then there was those thai kind of fish cake. Oh yes Phad thai which was tastier than wat i tried b4. Fried rice with assortment of ingredients layed out in the outer circle for u to choose from. Prawns served in cocktail style on coconuts glazed with Cognac and they lighted a bit of the Cognac on the prawns for effect.

[ARGH got interupted by a BLOODY sales gal from China from this STUPID telecommunications company that had HOUNDED my handphone calls and now my parents' house!!!! FREAKING IDIOTS. How irritating they are!]

Ok back to the dishes, think next was Steamed crabs with tang hoon (glass vermicelli). Then followed by 2 desserts-ruby with coconut served in a cup (not sure wat the ruby is exactly, somewhat like jelly) and another kind of pink jelly served on a plate. Then the farewell cake was very elaborate and diff, not only was it delicious layered cake moist with maybe alcohol and chocolate, inside the circumference were cups of desserts and chocolate flowers stuck out from the cake with her name.

Yeps, tat's a lot of food! Betw dessert, went to the daughters' rm to hear the youngest one play on the keyboard for me. She told me she had a concert in april and she played for me the simplified version of New World Symphony "Going home", guess it was some credit card or airplane ad song. She played well. Showed her actual versions of some songs and a taught her a bit of continuation of Fur Elise which her mum taught her. The whole stay there was like 6 hours, and poor mr cloudz was doing his work in the meantime while waiting for me :P I didnt realise time flew by as i was playing the keyboard with her. By the time reached home it was 12 plus, and slept at 1 plus. And i had tiring group classes on Sunday....yest.

Yesterday after classes, had church as usual (but this time i was made to conduct one of a song in parts, felt more flushed than usual. Usually play the organ, piano and sing) Then after mass rushed to my parents and we made our way to the next family function at another cousin's place far away. It was her baby boy's 1 mth celebration. Reached the function room, saw my family members at one table, not enuff seats, so my parents and i sat at another table with some distant Indonesian relatives (who remembered me, but i didnt remember  the couple :P) Food was catered, and i think under-catered (not really a good thing). Caterer was by Purple Sage (and i tot i remembered this caterer was banned from my church for wedding catering, dunno why). Menu was some italian chicken pasta that was so so, wild mushrm rice which i skipped (not really a rice person, ironically), coffee chicken, breaded prawn with wasabi (where i ate the very last piece left), baked tomato fish, brocolli, fried dumpling in those like chinese treasure shape. Dessert was a nice moist chocolate cake and bread and butter pudding.

The baby boy was pretty cute, was smiling while sleeping and carried by relatives, and looked/sounded smart-while trying to take a pic of him in the womb b4 delivery, he used both hands to cover his face and turned no matter where the equipment shifted to try to take him. My cousin was looking good in her GG5 dress. Took a photo with the couple and baby, they gave us two boxes of gift with eggs, coloured mua chee (mochi) and cakes then we left. Then i finally saw the huge beautiful swimming pools outside which looked inviting.....it's been a loong time since i swam. But Mr Cloudz said, wouldnt it be weird if i wore my two piece and my big bulge was like showing? mm.....a bit....maybe? Anyway gd that the function ended early at 8pm. Just tat my uncle who came all the way from a wedding dinner to attend this function had not enuff food to eat!!! Not very good...So my relatives left 1st. We were like the last one to leave.

Last nite reached home was concussed while catching on my feeds etc, caught a bit of the movie Kingdom of Heaven which was showing on TV (watched b4) starring Eva Green and Orlando Bloom. Quite nice to watch still...then slept at 12 plus.

Now's 12 noon and have classes again from 3 plus to 9 plus...cya

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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