Official Artist
Joanna Yang
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Wat Flavour Ice-Cream are you?

You Are Rocky Road Ice Cream

Unpredictable and wild, you know how to have fun.

You're also a trendsetter who takes risks with new things.

You know about the latest and greatest - and may have invented it!

You are most compatible with vanilla ice cream.


Having ice-cream with waffles craving nowadays hence took this test. Mm...not bad, i like rocky road with the assorted ingredients including marshmallows inside yum . Like vanilla too. As usual, share your results my friends~


over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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english, mandarin
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Member Since
April 12, 2007