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Joanna Yang
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Weekends, my busiest working days

Yeps as most of you, my friends would know that weekends are my busiest days due to parents and children not working nor schooling, hence they have the time for music/piano classes. Just finished my 6 grp classes and resting at Mr Cloudz' place now, while poor Mr Cloudz is doing extra OT work on a Sat when it's not officially a working day. Well, wat to do, this is an auditor's life for u. Hence i quit my ex-job previously. Sadly can't even have dinner with him today.

Anyway, wanna tok about wat happened yesterday, Friday (my 1st working day of the wk). Think bad things happened together...first i was driving out mr cloudz' yellow Honda Jazz car to work as usual, and i tend to step on the accelerator quite frequently. Think for the 1st time, when i saw the yellow light, i stepped further on the accelerator and when i crossed the line, the lights turned red! I was like shit...did i just beat a red light? [Note1: amber/yellow lights turns to red VERY FAST in SG. Note 2: mr cloudz told me becoz im a 1st year driver, and if i beat red lights, they would give me demerit points and i can't drive anymore ] So i was pretty disturbed, and made a mental note to check if there were any cameras around when coming back from work at nite. Hope and twist my fingers that there aren't any cameras :PP.

Soon after tat, as i was about to enter into the expressway, or some of u call the highway, my road is supposed to give priority to the cars on the main rd. Saw a white van, but i drove out slightly too much. And as the van passed by, i saw the uncle like glaring at me for coming out too much :PPP

Okie classes went fine except for the 1st grp class after dinner. I have a habit of writing down the homework, putting bks, CDs in the class, basically to prepare b4 lesson starts, so i can just walk into the class and start teaching when the time starts. One of my courses needs to use 3 CDs, so i left 2 CDs on the CD player. Prior to that, the bks of this course were left in my pigeon hole, and not locked up in my locker.

So when come to a certain song whereby the kids are supposed to do actions likened to dancing with the rhythm of the music, i played like the track # and the wrong song was played?!? I got shocked, so i double checked with my lesson plan, and changed the CD and played the same song, again the same thing happened. Correct track # but wrong song playing/?! At that moment i didnt understand why, so after a pretty long delay i told the parents that there might be something wrong with the CD player. So i told them to go back and we'd sing other songs instead. It was quite horrifying when such things happened....Shaken a bit, i tried to do other stuff, and while i was doing, my mind was racing, wat if the Goodbye song is not in the remaining existing CDs which i have, wat am i to do??? Luckily, it happened to also be in of the tracks. After class then i realised i had 2 of the same kinds of CDs, and no wonder the wrong track was played!!! I had no idea how did i lose my previous CD and got an extra duplicate of the other CD?!?! For a moment i was thinking, was it a parent or a kid who stole my CD, but they wouldn't be bothered to replace, and they wouldn't have the other CD which only teachers own. Then i tot, since i left it in my pigeon hole, anybody in the school could have sabotage (Sabo) me and took my that CD, but the thing is mr cloudz say, why would they even bother to replace with the other duplicate CD? Frustrated and worried, straight after lessons which ended at 9pm, i rushed to the books counter to purchase the lost CD which cost $24.50. Previously i have lost 2 CDs/forgot to bring due to my own fault....It's not cheap when u add them altogether. B4 tat, i checked with the staff if they found any lost CD, didn't, so i had to buy coz i needed to use the CD for today's classes again.

So i told mr cloudz about my trauma and the possible sabotage, while he said maybe the CD player can contain more than 1 CDs. I told him it's not the one whereby i can put 3 CDs due to 3 visible 'holes' for the CD. But he said CD player can also have 1 'hole' but can contain more than 1 CD, which i know exist....Meaning another possibility is that the CD player had swallowed my original lost CD and coughed up with another one, as i might have accidentally pressed the switch CD button without knowing this CD player has this function. ARGHHHHHHHH. Till now i still haven't solve the mystery. Maybe when tmr i go back to that branch, i may or may not find out the light. But anyway, the book counter staff asked me how did i lose it, i told them maybe someone as sabo-ed me, they said such things have happened b4...i was quite horrified too.

Okie, enuff of the ramblings...hope everything would be alrite cross fingers. Feeling drained/sleepy after classes today alrdy. Cya~

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
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In the end, think a teacher took my CD by mistake and ended up i had to buy a new one, wasted my money. She returned to my file :( Then she asked back for her CD, so i had to lend her mine 1st...since it's at Mr Cloudz'
over 16 years ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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