Joanna Yang
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Weird incidents

Last night, came home from a short meet up with Mr Cloudz. He's staying in camp for his reservist and there's live firing today:( I wun get to see him till this coming Saturday.

Before going out, Mr Cloudz asked me if wanna meet him for dessert/drinks. At the same time i was with my dad who told me he took his emergency pills (dilates his blood vessels when he feels blockage at his heart) a number of times today. And he was having a headache and asked me for panadols. I was worried for my dad as he was warded to hospital for emergencies at least twice already. And he has stems in his heart that kind of opens up the vessels so that there wun be blockage. Initially thot of asking Mr Cloudz to come to my home instead, but he said he had stuff to buy, i didnt tell him over the phone wat actually happened to my dad. Luckily my mum came home from her tuition and i told her to take care of my dad while i'm out.

Told Mr Cloudz in the car when he arrived downstairs my block. Told him that he and my dad are the most important men in my life and i want both of them to be healthy and well. We set out. Mr Cloudz suggested going to Siglap, while i suggested HK cafe at the other side of east coast rd.

Ordered my fav mango pomelo bits dessert, strawberry showdown and he ordered his fav thick toast with kaya. Went to toilet and came out. Saw the lights were all off. I was wondering if they had switched off the lights to save electricity. Then Mr Cloudz told me that there was a Swarm of flying insects which went into the cafe hence they switched off all the lights. We were sitting quite near the glass door and i could see a HUGE Swarm of those insects around one of the street lamps. And the waiter was trying to mitigate the situation by pulling a pail of water and putting lights out there to attract those insects over there. Mr Cloudz asked the waitress if our orders would be coming soon, but becoz they couldnt switch on the lights, dun think we'd like to eat in the dark as well. So we went out from the swarm infested area to move to Siglap.

As we drove along the rest of the area looks clean from the swarm, i guess it's that area. We parked near Coffee club and i didnt see a hole in the supposedly covered drain. After i stepped on to it and walked off, i realised i missed the hole by half a foot step!!! It'd be disastrous if my leg fell into the hole and gets a bad sprain. In the end we ordered a strawberry smoothie and a banana butterscotch cheesecake. Saw a pregnant woman sitting across us and a little boy being watched/chased by his older sis all over. Mr Cloudz was saying it's better to have a girl 1st so that the girl can watch over the brothers in the future (like wat i did when i was young). I said ok........... Time flew past and Mr Cloudz have to fetch me back before going back to camp.

As i arrived my block, the funeral proceedings were on and i saw the relatives mourning in black walking around and reciting the Buddist verses.

And last night as i was typing this blog halfway, my dad asked me to call his cousin's daughter-in-law who was a senior consultant in a famous hospital. i told him i'd call her today instead of yesterday and we ended up having a big quarrel and shoutings and i ended up crying. Bad bad.....i smsed Mr Cloudz and he told me to just call her today since last nite was already like 10pm. And ask her if there were any gynaes around his area since the hospital was pretty far away. I hope my anger didn't affect anything. Was pretty bad. Watched a korean serial before going back to my rm and listen to calming music and looking at Mr Cloudz and my photos since i missed him so much. God bless our families Amen.


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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007