Joanna Yang
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Welcoming the Golden Rat Year~

So fast, tmr's already New Year's Eve where all of us have reunion dinners. This year for me is different since i'm married into a new family.

Just now saw my dad-in-law about to hang red decorations (lanterns, fishes, golden coin etc) onto a plant, decided to try my hand to help out. Tot it looked quite nice :) A bit tricky coz the bigger 'lanterns' were heavy and weigh/pull the thin stems of the plant down, so had to adjust here and there.

My sis-in-law and her hubby came home to eat dinner and bring back my nephew. Had nice conversations with them and the hubby told me foods to eat/avoid during pregnancy and other stuff.

I guess im lucky to have a nice new family too =) 

Anyway now they're all out, my parents-in-law and the elder sis-in-law went to the supermarket which is closed at 2am i heard?! to buy steamboat ingredients for tomorrow. Happening :) I decided to stay at home to wait for Mr CLoudz who's working OT still...and i guess i shouldnt be carrying heavy stuff too ;p

 Currently wondering the gender of my foetus, Mr Cloudz think it's a gal, and said it's good so that she can take care of younger ones later on and also more well-behaved than boys. But im fine with boys too. In fact b4 we married i think, even tot of names for girl or boy. So it would be Stariel or Jeremiah. Stariel was my own thinking-meaning "From the heavens". At 1st i like the natural phenomenon of Aurora, and ppl said it's a Princess' name from some Disney cartoon. But this name i guess would be easily made fun of over here given Singlish. Initially Mr Cloudz said he objected to Stariel, said it sounded weird, and my friends said ppl would make fun. But i can't think of how. At most Twinkle Twinkle Little Star? which im fine with. Ok enuff of Stariel. Jeremiah coz it has Bible associations. Jeremiah is a prophet and is a book from the Bible, and it starts with my initial J, and it's not too common a name i guess. So no arguments about that.

So welcoming the new year with my new gift from God, my little baby mouse ;p Hope it would be cute/pretty/handsome, healthy, intelligent and good. Amen~

Wishing all of you a very Happy Chinese New Year~! May your wishes come true

Zhu Ni Xin Nian Kuai Le, Wan Shi Ru Yi~


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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007