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Joanna Yang
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Work & Shokudo Round 2

So busy nowadays with typing responses to my parent teacher feedback forms for next weekend's meeting. Tuesday had a packed day of work. 9am plus meet up with course instructor (CI) to discuss about my class observation, then 2 of my trainings clashed, went for the parent teacher meeting (PTM) discussion 1st followed by the last session of a training. And im the 1st one in my 'class' to be evaluated this coming Tues at 10am. After that had lunch, and tot might as well practise using the studios' electones. Came out was pouring!!! Dunno wat to do, SMS another CI to ask her about an exam i intend to take this Nov. She was very nice and explained to me the exam contents and even demonstrated for me. I was blessed. After tat was late, felt hungry already for dinner. Decided to go to Plaza Sing to buy another exam related book not found earlier on, after my dinner. And was trying out the pianos. Even after discount, they cost a lot. Just that there's a 24 mth instalment plan for Citibank credit cards which Mr Cloudz has.

Decision: Buy the 5k or 7k piano? Shall i buy? Coz my home piano keys are getting old (ard 18 years) and 2 of my students could detect the difference in sound already...2nd thing: so i should place it at my own home? or Mr cloudz? 3rd: What do i do with my old but still gd piano which has sentimental value for me, since it helped me get my distinctions in all my practical exams despite it being old!!! Shift it to Mr Cloudz for Stariel next time and mi? Sell it?

Anyway finally finished typing the last 4th batch of responses to the forms, and today's my free day supposedly...

Anyhow got to meet Mr Cloudz just now for dinner at Shokudo restaurant. Have toked about this Shokudo restaurant previously, see link http://www.alivenotdead.com/cloudz7/Shokudo+restaurant-profile-164239.html

This time i got to try the unagi cheese pizza (crispy tho crust below a tad charred which i dun like), other than that it tasted quite gd. Had to wait 10 mins for it. Also ordered a chicken stew which came with 3 cut pieces of baguette, can't remember if it was miso based. Not bad too. Mr Cloudz ordered a BBQ chicken leg with fries. Then we had 2 desserts! Had tofu cheesecake with some strawberry or raspberry sauce and waffle with 2 ice-cream scoops-tried the mixed fruit yoghurt flavour, Mr Cloudz chose rum and raisin. We were TOO FULL by then to finish our waffle even if it was nice. Though i still prefered my rock melon ice-cream the last time i ate as mentioned in the above link. Wanted crepe but mr cloudz forgot and ordered waffles instead...

Maybe can go with Char for lunch to Shokudo, and whoever who comes to SG can join us on 19th June heh

Thing to note is, better to go at off peak timings...just now bus had traffic jam was late slightly. Luckily mr cloudz went in 1st to sit. Coz when i reached at about 7 plus, the queue was at least 3 rows snaking loooong......!!!


over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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