cousin, i'm sorry to use an expletive in my blog entry. don't be mad.
it was the only expression i could use to describe what i'm seeing this morning at my flat.
my son's eight-year old friend is over here and he is completely flummoxed when his head is not immersed in some kind of metal box, namely, a computer, nintendo, wii, or television set. he tried to throw a ball with my son a few minutes ago and he couldn't even muster that. i mean, he could throw the ball, but without any hope of it landing anywhere near my son, even at the distance of 10 feet! the idea of running around or playing tag or kicking a ball completely eludes him. the idea of a board game is equally alien.
he has no mastery over the physical world because of a complete failure to pursue any sporting or athletic activity. he is shockingly uncoordinated and inept when it comes to anything requiring muscle coordination, aim, endurance.
being what i'm like, i.e., vocal, judgmental, harsh, terrifying, i actually told the little boy i felt sorry for him because he is unable to enjoy life without having his brain sucked into an electric, metal box. he responded, "i don't want to come over to your house to play again". in my heart, i thought, "i hope he tells his mother what i've said, because she's a lame excuse for a parent"
his parents should be crucified for completely ignoring his physical, intellectual and spiritual formation.
i feel sorry for this kid. but his semi-lobotomized plight is typical of hong kong. and all the chinese kids growing up here, whose parents are just as flabby in mind, body and spirit. no wonder!