I m mad at someone.............
dont want to explain why to justify this madness.
I m actually very angry.......
it's been 4 hrs since the incident.........since the person....
why cant I just forget about this?
what i discovered this 4 hrs....
It's really hard to calm anger....
even I m all quiet at home....all quiet during my drives....no traffic....
The incident happened 4 hrs ago,
but I can tell U right away.....it's not the '4hr' single event,
it's was series of events, the moment of inception(knowing this person)...
throught out the whole journey of knowing this particular person,
that adds up to this pt break.......
why is it so hard to forgive????
why the threshold was broken????
How could U tame this animal'ANGER'??? anyone?
just when U thought U reached a state of Mellowness...........
it's just gone.....everything is RED flagged.
The only thing that helps soothed me abit,
it's that hot soup and fishball Tofu in front of me.....strangely enough not prayer...
but I know after this soup , I'll pray for.......???????
only human
a journey of feeling content. Everyday i pray this little prayer sometimes with my eyes closed sometimes not..... let me be real let me be honest let m