Official Artist
Johnny Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Music Producer
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        Like most kids that are born in Taiwan, I have huge allergy problems. I sneeze my nose off every morning when the weather changes and when the pollution levels are high. As a result of the allergies, we are less likely to go out and exercise.  Honestly, when you get the allergies, all you want to do is stay in a comfortable environment. You don't want to talk, you don't want to eat, you just don't want to do anything.  I'm not a doctor but it's pretty obvious that pollution is huge contributor to growth problems amongst kids in Taiwan and Hong Kong.  I don't know if you have noticed, but kids that grew up in the US are bigger,stronger, and yes...sometimes fatter. I know this is a generalization and I have no medical proof to back this up, but hey.... there's always some truth behind every generalization.

Is it the diet? Is it the exercise?  Is it both? I personally think the real influence behind the need to be stronger and healthier came from this ad campaign in the 80's.

Remember this?

Video: http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=_ApVq2yG0po&feature=related It blew my mind when I first saw this commercial. It's been stuck in my head ever since. 

(photo courtesty of www.pts.org.tw)

Live healthy !! Live STRONG!!! Drink your MILK!!!!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
crap, i should have drank more milk!
over 15 years ago
Danielchan d3 danielchan
Damn, is that really you? when was this taken? it's not one of those "put your head here" photos is it? I seem to remember you have a bit of a gut... HAHA
over 15 years ago
Photo 337793
Oh, now you're using "PHOTO SHOP" well~ haha!!
over 15 years ago


Hi My name is Johnny, the "H" is silent.

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 20, 2007