Upcoming event @ prologue workshop – DaiFuLou exhibition. It will be a 3 weeks in total with different theme happening about DaiFuLou in each week. Want to know more about who DaiFuLou is? Check out his website:http://daifulou.com十月份我們將為你呈獻 “DaiFuLou 展覽”. 為期3個禮拜. 每週, 你將透過不同的媒體體驗到不一樣的DaiFuLou. 想知更多有關誰是DaiFuLou, 請按入: http://daifulou.comEvent from 14th Oct to 28th Oct (10月14日至10月28日), opening starts at 8:00pm
Please contact info@prologueworks.com / Tel 2366 9946 for details.