衛詩雅 Michelle Wai #失眠 前後?? 笑還笑,其實《失眠》恐怖得來真係有佢吸引之處。導演、編劇同演員將戲中嘅「變態」演繹得同觀眾好近。最驚就係心底覺得入面嘅事情真係可以發生?當然,老師 #黃秋生 嘅演繹亦出神入化啦!
michellewsn #失眠 前後?? 笑還笑,其實《失眠》恐怖得來真係有佢吸引之處。導演、編劇同演員將戲中嘅「變態」演繹得同觀眾好近。最驚就係心底覺得入面嘅事情真係可以發生?當然,老師… https://t.co/iCFKmDd1k4
Thank you Karen for the invite!
May 6-21 10F Black AB Tung Chong Factory Building 653-659 King's Road, Quarry Bay
Writing guitar style is a bit more challenging than I imagined ? 鋼琴人寫結他歌真係唔容易????
令我諗起呢句說話嘅多重意義 "The end justifies the means" (大概翻譯:但求目的的正當,就算不擇手段也不妨) 好震撼嘅一套戲 呢兩位仁兄嘅演繹亦好到肉!
Typical "cool down" where coaches Edmund and Jerry crush my false hopes of ending the session in one piece by beating me to submission Fighting Arts Center - FAC #fightingartscenter
My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona