Today I went to do rehearsals for my gig on 16th (Metro) and 18th
Quiksilver's show, finally have the dates fixed on this show.
Wow....been changing and changing. Sorry, it wont be change
anymore. I love rehearsals, I always have a blast on rehearsals,
it's just so much fun and so comfortable at the band room with your
buddies. Skot my bass player is gone, I kinda miss having him
around. We have Cookie now, he's awesome too! Adrian cant come
today, he is injured, poor guy! Kevin (Drums), Don (Guitar) and Pam
(Chorus) is there. I treasure these moments!
We did "Yeah Yeah Yeahs" song "Rich" again today, I was so excited
again! I guess I was too excited I might have wrecked my voice
again. Well, same old routine, shut up for a few days until the !
Today's recommendation: Check out "The Moldy Peaches" on youtube,
especially for those of you under pressure people, concentrate on
your work but dont forget to schedule in resting time as well. Very
| 今天我去為16日(Metro)和18日(Quiksilver)的演出彩排,最後確定了演出日期。哇…一直在變。對不起,不會再變了。我喜歡彩排,在樂隊房間跟朋友們呆在一起總是很有趣。貝司手Skot走了,我會想念他的。現在我們有Cookie,他也非常棒! Adrian受傷了,今天來不了,可憐的家夥! Kevin (鼓手), Don (吉他) and Pam (和聲)都到了。我很珍惜這些時光!今天我們又在一起唱"Yeah Yeah Yeahs"、"Rich",我很開心!可能是因為嗓子恢復正常的緣故。好吧,按照老規矩,為了那天的演出我要禁聲一段時間!今日推薦:在youtube上找找"The Moldy Peaches",尤其是壓力很大的朋友,專註於工作的同時別忘了找時間休息。非常重要!
| 今天我去为16日(Metro)和18日(Quiksilver)的演出彩排,最后确定了演出日期。哇…一直在变。对不起,不会再变了。我喜欢彩排,在乐队房间跟朋友们呆在一起总是很有趣。贝司手Skot走了,我会想念他的。现在我们有Cookie,他也非常棒! Adrian受伤了,今天来不了,可怜的家伙! Kevin (鼓手), Don (吉他) and Pam (和声)都到了。我很珍惜这些时光!今天我们又在一起唱"Yeah Yeah Yeahs"、"Rich",我很开心!可能是因为嗓子恢复正常的缘故。好吧,按照老规矩,为了那天的演出我要禁声一段时间!
今日推荐:在youtube上找找"The Moldy Peaches",尤其是压力很大的朋友,专注于工作的同时别忘了找时间休息。非常重要!
Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..