Had a very hectic day yesterday and today, I was shooting a short film for director Lee Kung Lok. It’s crazy difficult, 12 minutes not stop, 5 to 6 scenes all in one shot, all handheld or steadycam as we usually call it. No screwing up, but it was so much fun! I totally loved it. I gotta to work with Liu Kai Chi, Fun Ley, a handful of excellent actors and crew, super crazy discipline and super skillful acting and timing techniques. Enjoyed it so much! I havellearnt a lot from everyone today especially from Liu Kai Chi. He is so in tune man!
Lastly, wanna thank dydy and Winnie for chatting for such a long time with me on the street! Sorry, should’ve bought you a drink instead. Crunch down the words, enjoy your schoollife while you are young, enjoy it!
| 昨天和今天非常忙,我在拍攝李公樂導演的一部短片。是非常困難的表演,12分鐘不間斷,一次拍5到6幕,全部用手持拍攝或我們所謂的steadycam,很有意思。我愛這樣的拍攝,跟李公樂、Fun Ley、幾個優秀演員和劇組工作人員合作,大家都訓練有素、有很強的表演和時間控制技巧,我非常享受這次拍攝!今天我從每個人身上都學到很多,尤其是李公樂,他很敏銳!
| 昨天和今天非常忙,我在拍摄李公乐导演的一部短片。是非常困难的表演,12分钟不间断,一次拍5到6幕,全部用手持拍摄或我们所谓的steadycam,很有意思。我爱这样的拍摄,跟李公乐、Fun Ley、几个优秀演员和剧组工作人员合作,大家都训练有素、有很强的表演和时间控制技巧,我非常享受这次拍摄!今天我从每个人身上都学到很多,尤其是李公乐,他很敏锐!
Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..