Hey guys,
Umm... I've takin' some photos wiht my "hero" veteran actors on the set of "開飯"last week. I just don't know how to upload them cos it's in my phone.
Try harder to share it with you all . I haven't shoot a film in such a long time. Really treasure this experience again! Aiya.... Hurry up la! Yan Yan Mak, I'm waiting and waiting for her to shoot our next film. So looking forward to act again!!
I love my singing too! Have to go to do band rehearsals for tomorrow's show now. Haven't sung at such an early time for a while. Should be Fun!!
Hey guys,
Ummm... 上星期在拍攝短片 "開飯" 時, 我跟我的英雄 - 多位富有豐富經驗的演員拍了很多照片, 我不懂得怎樣上載因為這些相都在我手機裡, 要花點功夫才可跟大家分享
我這麼久沒有拍電影了, 真的要珍惜這經驗!! Aiya….. 趕快啦!!! 麥欣欣, 我等了又等她拍攝下一部電影, 十分期待再次演戲!!
我也很愛唱歌, 現在要為明天的演出作綵排. 已有一段時間沒有演唱了, 一定很有樂趣!!
Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..