Hey Guys,
Of course you can call me anything you like as long as it’s friendly. Btw, Andrew Lin, you’re very naughty! I’m not even mature enough for myself, how can I manage little kids? Actually talkin’ about it, is pretty funny!! (girls usually like to play with new born babies but I really don’t feel for little babies at all.
I’m much more fond of dogs, I was so happy when my shi tsu “beenbeen” give birth, “Godshh….!! I’m a grandma now!” I think I can communicate better with dogs, they’re very loyal beings and much better friends with a simple mind set. Humans are too complex to figure out, so troublesome! Anyway, why am I going on about this? Well, I guess I’m just really against giving birth when I’m not sure what this means to my life or Baba know what I hate! Is when parents and in laws gives you pressure to pump babies out for the sake of “passing on the generations”, or the sake of “having anther toy to play with!” That clearly sucks!!!
After all “Baby” is not a toy nor too!! It’s fun for those who get to play with it, but who gets to milk and feed them for the rest of their lives!!!
“Damn those people who think “Baby” is a toy!!!”
Hey Andrew, this has nothin’ to do with you comment! Btw, if you don’t know that Andrew is a magnificent Sculptor. He made custom 12” figures for "The Heavenly Kings - 四大天王". They look so real. Baba’s one has big tummy. Check out his web and you will see more.
嘿,朋友們 只要你們覺得友好,叫我什麽都行。順便說一句,連凱,你真頑皮!我覺得自己都還沒成熟,叫我怎麽養小孩?講到這個很有趣!!(女生們都愛和新生兒玩耍,但我真的對嬰兒沒什麽特別感覺。)
我更喜歡狗,當我的shi tsu ”beenbeen”生小狗時我很興奮,”天啊…!!我現在是祖母了!”我跟狗溝通得更好,他們很忠誠,單純的思維使它們能成為更好的朋友。人類太復雜,不容易理解,好麻煩!我為什麽要說這個?我是想說還沒做好準備時不打算生小孩,Baba知道我討厭什麽!當父母和公婆給你壓力,說為了”傳宗接代”或者”制造一個玩具出來玩!”要你生小孩,真的很討厭!!!
嘿,朋友们 只要你们觉得友好,叫我什么都行。顺便说一句,连凯,你真顽皮!我觉得自己都还没成熟,叫我怎么养小孩?讲到这个很有趣!!(女生们都爱和新生儿玩耍,但我真的对婴儿没什么特别感觉。)
我更喜欢狗,当我的shi tsu ”beenbeen”生小狗时我很兴奋,”天啊…!!我现在是祖母了!”我跟狗沟通得更好,他们很忠诚,单纯的思维使它们能成为更好的朋友。人类太复杂,不容易理解,好麻烦!我为什么要说这个?我是想说还没做好准备时不打算生小孩,Baba知道我讨厌什么!当父母和公婆给你压力,说为了”传宗接代”或者”制造一个玩具出来玩!”要你生小孩,真的很讨厌!!!
Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..