Hey hey,
Long time hasn't written, sorry about that I was inSingaporefor the past week. I was a jury forAsia's First Film Festival. Watched lots of good film, got really inspired, there are so many good film makers I'm so happy I got to see them first. Just one very unfortunate issue popped up while I was gone. My eldest boy, Uni. Beautiful brown Shizu was seriously ill, he had acute kidney failure. He is better and out of the hospital now, we are trying our best to give him the quality of life right now. I just don't want to go out, wanna stay home with him all the time. But we have to finish the rest of the album and hand everything in before Christmas. Sorry about no writing again. Please pray for us!
很久沒有寫博客了,對不起,我上星期於星加坡為Asia's First Film Festival當評審,看了很多好電影,很有啟發性,還有很多電影製作人,很高興能跟他們見面,當我不在港時,有一件很不幸的發生,我最大年紀的孩子– Uni美麗的棕色西施得了重病,他患了急性腎衰竭,他現在已好多了,亦已經出院,我們現在盡我們所能去給他優質的生活,我不想外出,只想留在家中跟他在一起,但我必須要完成國語專輯的餘下工作及於聖誕前交出所有東西,對不起啊,很久沒有寫博客。請為我們祈禱吧 !!
Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..