演员, 歌手
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Today is kinda calm and chilled | 今天很悠閑

Today is kinda calm and chilled since Paul Wong had to take his own studio back for practise, I am pretty free and I have been going through loads and loads of scrīpts. And had dinner with my old friends! Talked about starting some new projects in films. Think its gonna happen, can’t tell you what it is now but you will know if it does happen around November. Anyway, I heard YanYan Mak is going to soot our new film with Tin Yuen. Happy to work with both of her again. Um don’t know if we finally get Mavis fan or not in this film, hope it Happens too!!

Hey guys! Check this out. My Friend just sent this to me:

Taking Drugs to Make Film to Take Drugs To ....

part 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =39glDm6Of04

part 2:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =3b3L1CA52Dg

 | 今天很悠閑,因為黃貫中不得不把他的錄音室拿回去練習。我沒事,讀了很多劇本,還和老朋友一起吃晚飯!談了拍新電影的計劃,現在還不能告訴你們是什麽電影,11月開拍時你們就知道了。我還聽說麥婉欣要和Tin Yuen一起做我們的新電影,很高興再次跟這二位合作,不知道這部電影是否也能贏得粉絲的熱愛,希望如此!!

嘿,朋友們!看看這個,一個朋友剛發了這個給我: 拍這部電影需要先磕藥…

 第一部分: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b3L1CA52Dg第二部分: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39glDm6Of04| 今天很悠闲,因为黄贯中不得不把他的录音室拿回去练习。我没事,读了很多剧本,还和老朋友一起吃晚饭!谈了拍新电影的计划,现在还不能告诉你们是什么电影,11月开拍时你们就知道了。我还听说麦婉欣要和Tin Yuen一起做我们的新电影,很高兴再次跟这二位合作,不知道这部电影是否也能赢得粉丝的热爱,希望如此!!

嘿,朋友们!看看这个,一个朋友刚发了这个给我: 拍这部电影需要先磕药…

17 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
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hey! take it easy today. you gotta busy week coming up!
17 年多 ago


Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Hong Kong
April 18, 2007