It’s slim and bellys three year old birthday today. Uni is such a fighter! He just got outta the hospital last week before I left for street fighter inThailand. This boy is so good and strong. He is recorvering faster than thunder!!!! Yeh!! Back inHong Kong, Start to promote my mandarin album again!! Its coming out on the 15 th!! Excited!! Its called Elastic Rock! This time I have put in some of my own drawings in the CD jacket too! I like drawing before I go to sleep, it winds me down. There is also one drawing from my friend – Montague ah Chuen. It’s a preview of what she has in mind for me. she is a very special artist. She is a dark lover. We share that in common. Look out for ah Chuen’s work at 903’s website. What da hell. Ah Chuen is the creator of all the drawings. Aren’t they fun! Take care people!
今天是Slim及Belly的生日, Uni真是一個戰士,在上星期我出發到泰國拍攝Street Fighter之前,他已出院了,這男孩子很好及很強壯,他康復得比閃電還要快, Yeh!!回到香港開始為我的國語專輯宣傳!!它將於本月15日推出!!很興奮!!專輯名稱為Elastic Rock!今次我也加了一些自己所畫的圖畫的!我睡前喜歡畫些圖畫,這令我易於入睡,專輯裡還有一幅我的朋友–夢特驕全-所畫的,那幅圖是關於我在她心中的印象,她是一個很特別的藝術家,她是個黑暗愛好者,我們一起分享,看看阿全於903網頁內凡作品吧!! 903 What da hell內的所有作品便是阿全所畫的,是不是很有趣?保重呀各位!!
Mama|今天是Slim及Belly的生日, Uni真是一个战士,在上星期我出发到泰国拍摄Street Fighter之前,他已出院了,这男孩子很好及很强壮,他康复得比闪电还要快, Yeh!!回到香港开始为我的国语专辑宣传!!它将于本月15日推出!!很兴奋!!专辑名称为Elastic Rock!今次我也加了一些自己所画的图画的!我睡前喜欢画些图画,这令我易于入睡,专辑里还有一幅我的朋友–梦特骄全-所画的,那幅图是关于我在她心中 的印象,她是一个很特别的艺术家,她是个黑暗爱好者,我们一起分享,看看阿全于903网页内凡作品吧!! 903 What da hell内的所有作品便是阿全所画的,是不是很有趣?保重呀各位!!
Josie Ho is the epitome of the new generation! Award winning Actress, Rocker, Racecar Driver..