beginning of the year..I guess I am living a dream, but there has been one thing that I havent been good at... Its taking care of myself...
stationed. Kowloonatics,That's a CB fresh word. Yes I am a KowLoonatic....
stress,barely any rehearsals required coz thats just how tight we are!!!,Junk unit and guest drummer on the PETE MOORE band.
production work and finally the almost completed Drum, bass and Guitar tracks for my long awaited album.ohhh...and Soler's new album as well.Played on the whole much has happened in their career, that's another chapter...god bless...
into rehearsals, maybe I was jetlagged from Justin's N.american tour, I had "TENDILITIS", the inflammation of my tendons, on my right ankle, my kick drum feet. I got hurt it while finishing up "Swing's album". played drums on 2 songs. a combination of lack of sleep, power drumming and a weird diet. I literally could not walk for days. show day came with body check and I was limping big time.
PRO-HEALTH ( MACAU )saved me.Electrolysis,accupuncture,and ice to stop the swelling. I was walking in no time, only to twist my left ankle 2 nights ago during my break in a Hang Zhou JZ Jazz club.
walking towards the stage and I severely twisted my left Ankle after going to the bathroom on the second floor....I have NO IDEA how that happened.All I can do is blame the design of the staircase, but that would sound too absurd wouldn't it??!! SO its my dumbass, that don't know how to walk down a freaking staircase.Its only 30 plus years I have been walking up and down stairs......
landmines(figuratively speaking), and if we are not physically capable, we can get hurt easily...