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Karen Mok
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33rd International Film Festival Opening Ceremony|第三十三屆國際電視節開幕典禮|第三十三届国际电视节开幕典礼

Last night I attended the 33rd International Film Festival opening ceremony. Stars gathered at the venue with everyone dressed up very beautiful and dazzling. I chose to wear a unique mini dress that was flown over to Hong Kong from Milan. I really love this elegant retro style, do you guys like it? In addition, I was invited to become the pulicity ambassador for this year's International Film Festival. Earlier I shot four different promotional photos for the film festival which was loved by everyone. So due to popular demand these four photos have been made into wallpapers and are available for download at my official website www.karenmok.com. (Special thanks to photographer Wing Shya, award winning art director Wen Nian Zhong and technical support of alivenotdead.com)

On the red carpet, I was extremely excited!


This beautiful dress is by Roberto Cavalli, just flown in to Hong Kong.



Big group photo at the opening ceremony, hoping that each country's film will shine big.


Group photo of me and Jackie Chan, with Japanese actor Masaya Kato.

| 昨晚剛剛出席了第三十三屆國際電視節開幕典禮, 會場星光聚集, 每個人都打扮得漂亮奪目, 而我選了一件由米蘭空運到港獨一無二的迷你短裙出席, 我十分喜愛這身復古又典雅的造型, 你們喜歡嗎? 另外, 我今屆被邀請成為國際電影節宣傳大使, 早前為電影節拍的四款不同宣傳照片又深受大家喜愛, 所以徇眾要求將我這四款照片變成桌布, 讓大家在我的官方網站 www.karenmok.com下載. (特別鳴謝攝影大師夏永康,金像美術指導文念中及alive not dead的技術支援.)


走紅地毯時, 心情十分興奮呢! 


我這漂亮的 裙是由ROBERTO CAVALLI剛剛空運到香港的.





我和成龍大哥, 日本演員加藤雅也合照.

| 昨晚刚刚出席了第三十三届国际电视节开幕典礼, 会场星光聚集, 每个人都打扮得漂亮夺目, 而我选了一件由米兰空运到港独一无二的迷你短裙出席, 我十分喜爱这身复古又典雅的造型, 你们喜欢吗? 另外, 我今届被邀请成为国际电影节宣传大使, 早前为电影节拍的四款不同宣传照片又深受大家喜爱, 所以徇众要求将我这四款照片变成桌布, 让大家在我的官方网站 www.karenmok.com下载. (特别鸣谢摄影大师夏永康,金像美术指导文念中及alive not dead的技术支援.)   走红地毯时, 心情十分兴奋呢!    我这漂亮的 裙是由ROBERTO CAVALLI刚刚空运到香港的.     开幕典礼中的大合照.希望每个国家的电影都可以大放光芒.   我和成龙大哥, 日本演员加藤雅也合照.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
you looked great Karen! so leggy! ;-)
almost 16 years ago


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