Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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A Beautiful Beginning|美好的開始|美好的开始

It’s Lunar New Years Eve again. Today is a day of seeing out the old and welcoming the new, and getting prepared to welcome in the year of the tiger. The past year has truly been a very prosperous year for me; all the wishes I made came true, and I also won three big awards at the end of year Chinese music awards ceremony. The thing that got me most excited was winning the “Best Album of the Year” award, which was the greatest form of encouragement and praise for me. I have to say a special thanks to all my co-workers who have stood by me throughout the year fighting this battle! I hope that we continue to have this enthusiastic drive in the upcoming year, and continue to achieve ideal results.

Are you all prepared for the year to come? I hope that everybody has a beautiful beginning in the New Year! May all your wishes come true! Wish you good health! May all things go your way! And may everything be lively like “Hui” YEAH!!!

p.s Remember to keep an eye on my website from the 1st of Lunar New Year till the 12th. Each day I’ll post the horoscope for the year of the Tiger on my website. If you want to know which master I invited to explain these horoscopes then don’t forget to visit my website everyday and check it out! ~ What I can tell you is that the relationship between this master and me is very close. Whenever you see me, you’ll also be able to see him as well, ha ha ha ha!~


| 年三十晚的日子又到了,今天代表著送舊迎新,做好準備迎接虎年的來臨。過去的一年對我來說實在是豐收的一年,而且我為自己許下的願望都一一實現了,而且在年終在中歌榜頒獎禮中得到了三個大獎,當中令我覺得最振奮是我得到<年度最佳專輯

,對我來說是莫大的鼓勵及嘉許,要特別感謝過往一年陪我一起戰鬥的工作夥伴!希望我們來年可以再保持著這股幹勁,繼續創造新的佳績。 prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

大家為來年做好準備了嗎?希望大家在新的一年有個美好的開始!祝福各位心想事成!身體健康!萬事如意!虎虎生“蔚” YEAH!!!


p.s.大家記得要留意由年初一到年十二,每天在我的官方網站有牛年運程送給大家,想知道我邀請哪一位大師來為大家指點迷津的話,就一定要每天來我的網站看一下了! ~可以告訴大家,這位大師是跟我的關係非常密切,大家常常看到我的時候都會看到他的,哈哈哈哈! ~


| 年三十晚的日子又到了,今天代表着送旧迎新,做好准备迎接虎年的来临。过去的一年对我来说实在是丰收的一年,而且我为自己许下的愿望都一一实现了,而且在年终在中歌榜颁奖礼中得到了三个大奖,当中令我觉得最振奋是我得到<年度最佳专辑

,对我来说是莫大的鼓励及嘉许,要特别感谢过往一年陪我一起战斗的工作伙伴!希望我们来年可以再保持着这股干劲,继续创造新的佳绩。大家为来年做好准备了吗?希望大家在新的一年有个美好的开始!祝福各位心想事成!身体健康!万事如意!虎虎生 “蔚” YEAH!!! p.s.大家记得要留意由年初一到年十二,每天在我的官方网站有牛年运程送给大家,想知道我邀请哪一位大师来为大家指点迷津的话,就一定要每天来我的网站看一下了! ~可以告诉大家,这位大师是跟我的关係非常密切,大家常常看到我的时候都会看到他的,哈哈哈哈! ~ 

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Hong Kong
September 4, 2008