Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Beijing Music Awards|北京年度音樂頒獎典禮|北京年度音乐颁奖典礼

The 2009 Beijing Pop Music Awards was held last Friday night. Singers from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan congregated for this grand music event. Of course, I attended the event as well, and I joined with everyone else in support of our Asian artists and their music!

I feel so honored winning three big awards at this event - , , and the most honorable award . I believe that the most valuable form of encouragement for any singer is seeing how everyone recognizes and supports your music. That is why I felt so emotional that night! To see my album win the Best Album of the Year award is definitely a big form of encouragement to me. I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone for your support. I will continue to do my best and work even harder.

This album was completed under the circumstances of having no support from any record company. Furthermore, we used a very innovative concept and released this album digitally which gained us favorable praise from the panel of judges as well as a very warm response from my friends and fans, and this is definitely something worth being happy about! Also, this is my first album where I sing a new rendition of other people’s songs, and all the songs in this album are focused around traditional Chinese folk songs. Being awarded such an honorable award for this album makes me so so so…overjoyed! Straight after I accepted the award, I immediately called the producer of this album, Zhang Ya Dong, and told him to wonderful news. I also invited him out for dinner to celebrate!

My good friend Leehom Wang also won the award. Being able to develop in so many different fields within the entertainment industry is certainly a desirable thing to achieve. Allowing me to perform on the stage is the happiest thing I could ever do in my life. My power and motivation comes from the support of my friends and fans over the many years.

Thank you and you and all of you who have been reading my blogs. 







| <2009北京流行音樂典禮



這一次我真的很榮幸拿到三個大獎 - <年度金曲 –外面的世界

、 <年度全能女藝人 -港臺地區 及最高榮譽 <年度最佳專輯 -港臺地區 ,相信每個歌手看到自己的音樂能夠得到大家的肯定與支持,都是最無價珍貴的鼓勵,所以我當晚心情真很激動! <回蔚 專輯獲得年度最佳專輯對我來說是一個非常大的鼓勵,在此再一次感謝大家的支持,我一定更會努力的.



這張唱片是在沒有唱片公司的支持下完成的,還有是以非常創新的數位專輯形式推出,所以能獲得專業評審的青睞及所有歌迷朋友的喜歡是很值得高興的事情!另外這也是我的第一張推出的翻唱專輯,而翻唱的歌曲都是以中國民歌為主,能以這張專輯獲得此榮譽實在讓我太太太...高興了! 獲獎後我第一時間致電製作這張專輯的張亞東報喜,更馬上邀約他一起出來吃飯慶祝!


另外和好朋友王力宏一起獲得 <全能藝人











| <2009北京流行音乐典礼

于上星期五晚上刚举行了,这个集合了中、港、台歌手的音乐盛会,我当然也会出席,跟大家一起支持我们亚洲歌手们的音乐!   这一次我真的很荣幸拿到三个大奖 - <年度金曲 –外面的世界 、 <年度全能女艺人 -港台地区 及最高荣誉 <年度最佳专辑 -港台地区 ,相信每个歌手看到自己的音乐能够得到大家的肯定与支持,都是最无价珍贵的鼓励,所以我当晚心情真很激动! <回蔚 专辑获得年度最佳专辑对我来说是一个非常大的鼓励,   <回蔚 这张唱片是在没有唱片公司的支持下完成的,还有是以非常创新的数位专辑形式推出,所以能获得专业评审的青睐及所有歌迷朋友的喜欢是很值得高兴的事情!另外这也是我的第一张推出的翻唱专辑,而翻唱的歌曲都是以中国民歌为主,能以这张专辑获得此荣誉实在让我太太太...高兴了! 获奖后我第一时间致电製作这张专辑的张亚东报喜,更马上邀约他一起出来吃饭庆祝!   另外和好朋友王力宏一起获得 <全能艺人 大奖,可以在娱乐圈有那麽多发展的确是一件赏心 乐事,能够在台上表演就是让我这一辈子觉得最开心的事情,所有歌迷朋友对我那麽多年来的支持就是我的原动力。 谢谢你和你,还有在看文章的你.   < /font>    

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Hong Kong
September 4, 2008