Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Closing Streets in Macau for Filming, Karen Mok Runs Along the Street Until Bleeding|澳門封街拍攝 莫文蔚街頭奔跑至見血|澳门封街拍摄 莫文蔚街头奔跑至见血

In Greater China Karen Mok who has been the spokesperson for Canon IXUS digital camera for many years successively, recently continued with Canon signing a contract. For many years the relationship between the two has always been extremely happy and harmonious, in fact different styles of advertisements were able to gain the love of audiences, leaving a deep impression. Lately Karen carried out some shooting work for a new season of ads, this time the producers even moved the shooting location to the main street outside Macau Post Office, in order to conveniently complete shooting smoothly, and get in touch with the local government department to close off a section of the road. Fortunately the shooting process was extremely smooth, without any traffic or crowd control problems.

The concept that this ad expresses, is that walking along the road anywhere, anytime you can take out your camera to take photos. And Karen's beautiful legs have always been her trademark charm, the producers also especially custom made a bright orange leather jacket and mini skirt for Karen to wear. The design is still distinctive and also highlights the leg line. During shooting, Karen has to keep running after in one scene from beginning to end, so even wearing high heels she still had to run. After running five, six times she found that her toes were very painful. Consequently taking off her shoes she saw both little toes had suffered, swollen red and peeling, and in the end bleeding. However Karen insisted on shooting until it was perfect, so binding up the wound she continued to wear high heels running until the producer thought it was perfect! Karen said that for the sake of a good result, these little injuries would definitely not be a problem. Instead she is most grateful to the relevant Macau government department, for allowing the closure of the street in this extremely crowded but also beautiful tourist spot. It's really a rare thing!

After completing the shoot Karen and her staff members tasted the most genuine Portuguese cuisine. Karen who loves to taste different cuisines said that every time before she goes overseas for work, she will definitely ask her friends for information on the cuisines of the relevant place beforehand. For example recently which restaurant is a must-eat, which snacks are most popular, so then she can eat and drink all she wants after completing work, and that day's pains and toils can easily be cleanly forgotten! Of course she also needs to buy some souvenirs to take back to Hong Kong, to give as presents to Dad and Mum~! Last week Karen also went on stage for a new ad, the firm even more held a large-scale event in downtown Shanghai, Karen who is the spokesperson also went there personally to give support!

  | 在大中華地區連續多年成為佳能Canon IXUS數碼相機代言人的Karen莫文蔚,最近繼續跟佳能簽約合作,多年來的賓主關係一直非常融洽愉快,而且不同風格的廣告也得到觀眾的喜愛,留下深刻的印象。最近Karen為新一季的廣告進行拍攝工作,這次製作單位更將拍攝的地點移師至澳門郵政局外的大街,為了方便拍攝工作順利完成,更聯絡當地的政府部門將部分的道路封閉,還好拍攝的過程非常順利,沒有帶來任何交通及人流管制上的問題。





 | 在大中華地區連續多年成為佳能Canon IXUS數碼相機代言人的Karen莫文蔚,最近繼續跟佳能簽約合作,多年來的賓主關係一直非常融洽愉快,而且不同風格的廣告也得到觀眾的喜愛,留下深刻的印象。最近Karen為新一季的廣告進行拍攝工作,這次製作單位更將拍攝的地點移師至澳門郵政局外的大街,為了方便拍攝工作順利完成,更聯絡當地的政府部門將部分的道路封閉,還好拍攝的過程非常順利,沒有帶來任何交通及人流管制上的問題。






大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, that outfit is HOT! i never knew orange could look so good!
大约 14 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i didn't realize it was Macau! i thought it was Shanghai when i watched the CM. nice!
大约 14 年 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008