Now that the Olympic Games are over, everything seems to have settled down and I actually feel a little lost… but as soon as I get back to Hong Kong, my busy life will start up again very quickly because it’s season changing time and all the designer fashion labels will start showing their latest autumn-winter collection.
Attending fashion shows has always been an event I look forward to the most because I get to be one of the first to admire the latest collection and designs of each fashion label; I get to know the latest trends for the new season. On top of that, I get to appear at the events looking very beautiful and also exhibit the latest postures. It’s so cool!
I just finished attending the Hong Kong MARC JACOBS event. Look at how stylish my outfit is!
奧運過後,一切也顯得有點平靜,有點失落的感覺...但回港後, 很快便繼續我的忙錄生活, 因為又是轉季時候, 各個時裝品牌又開始進入秋冬時裝展了.
出席時裝展往往是我最响往的活動之一, 因為能夠率先欣賞各時裝品牌的新設計, 知道新一季的潮流指標, 更可以以最漂亮及最新穎的姿態出席活動, 真的超爽!
剛出席完香港MARC JACOBS的活動, 看我的打扮當相有型!
出席时装展往往是我最响往的活动之一, 因为能够率先欣赏各时装品牌的新设计, 知道新一季的潮流指标, 更可以以最漂亮及最新颖的姿态出席活动, 真的超爽!
刚出席完香港MARC JACOBS的活动, 看我的打扮当相有型!