Karen is always willing to offer her services for charity, and apart from having New Year wishes of world peace, no more natural disasters and no more war, she also hopes to set an example through action by personally visiting places that need help and bring love and compassion to each area.
In February, Karen will accompany the " Habitat for Humanity China Asian Humanitarian Association" to visit areas around Sichuan that were devastated by the earthquake and view the current progress of reconstruction. Hopefully they will be able to sense our sincerity from our support and well wishes, and re-gather their strength to stand up in times of difficulty. Furthermore, as the ambassador for "Moon Bear Rescue", Karen will once again visit the Animals Asia Foundation headquarters in Chengdu to see her baby bear. She expressed that she misses her baby a lot and hopes that it will grow up being happy and healthy. Karen also feels happy seeing how more and more people are paying greater attention to protecting moon bears at the moment, and insists that even though work might get busier, she will continue to participate in more charity events and share the happiness of giving with everyone. | 一向樂於為善事出力的 Karen新年願望除了希望世界和平 ,再沒有天災人禍及戰爭外 ,亦希望身體力行 ,親身到達一些需要幫助的地方 ,將愛心與關懷帶到每一處 .
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在二月份, Karen會隨「Habitat for Humanity China中華仁人家園協會」到達曾經受到地震影響的四川災區作探訪 .看看他們重建家園的情況,希望他們能夠感受到我們真誠的支持和祝福 ,在困難的日子再次堅強地站起來 .另外身為《拯救黑熊》愛心大使的 Karen也會再次到亞洲動物基金總部 -成都,探訪她的寶貝黑熊,她表示十分想念寶貝 .希望牠能健康快樂地成長,而現在看到越來越多人關注保護黑熊的事情 ,令 karen開心之餘 ,更堅持就算工作再繁忙也要多參與慈善活動 ,與更多人分享施比受更有福的喜悅 .| 一向乐于为善事出力的 Karen新年愿望除了希望世界和平 ,再没有天灾人祸及战争外 ,亦希望身体力行 ,亲身到达一些需要帮助的地方 ,将爱心与关怀带到每一处 . 在二月份, Karen会随「Habitat for Humanity China中华仁人家园协会」到达曾经受到地震影响的四川灾区作探访 .看看他们重建家园的情况,希望他们能够感受到我们真诚的支持和祝福 ,在困难的日子再次坚强地站起来 .另外身为《拯救黑熊》爱心大使的 Karen也会再次到亚洲动物基金总部 -成都,探访她的宝贝黑熊,她表示十分想念宝贝 .希望牠能健康快乐地成长,而现在看到越来越多人关注保护黑熊的事情 ,令 karen开心之馀 ,更坚持就算工作再繁忙也要多参与慈善活动 ,与更多人分享施比受更有福的喜悦 .