At a blink of an eye, 2008 has already gone by just like that. I’m also very pleased that I was able to do a lot of things that I wanted to do in ‘08 and I achieved many of my wishes. For example, I launched my very own self-branded perfume range, participated at the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympic Games, plus many other things. So I am actually very satisfied with my achievements over the past year!
During the days leading up to the welcoming of the New Year, I didn’t forget about work, didn’t stop one moment and immediately rushed to Nanjing to attend a New Year concert held by Jiangsu Satellite TV in China. The TV ratings for this particular television station have always been very high and I was very happy to have the opportunity to stride over 2008 via television broadcast together with millions of friends and fans from Mainland China, advancing towards an even better 2009!
In fact, I’ve actually held a concert at the Nanjing Sports Center before. The response at the time was very enthusiastic and sales at the box office were extremely pleasing!
It’s been two years since I last came to perform in this region, and it even came across my mind that maybe my fans would have actually forgotten me. I never imagined that while I was performing at the New Year concert, everyone in the audience was very excited and responded with cheers and screams. One thing that touched me the most was when I sang my classic song, “All of a Sudden”, everyone in the audience sang the song together. It was a very heartwarming moment and it beautifully drew out a perfect full-stop, marking the end of 2008.
As I’m currently preparing and deciding on locations for my 2009 Concert Tour, I think Nanjing will definitely be on the list as one of my stops!
If you were at the concert or if you watched it from home, did you sing the song with me as well?
A lot of my good friends were among the guest performers at the New Year; such as Harlem Yu, David Tao, Tanya Chua, and Anson Wu. We were all very happy to able to come together and perform on the same stage, striving over and stepping into the New Year. We also gave each other the most sincere blessings and well wishes!
Everybody’s wishes were pretty much the same. That is, we hope to continue making even better music and provide everyone with even more entertainment during this unfavorable time.
Last but not least, I wish everyone good health and happiness for the New Year! Lets work hard together and give it all our best! | 2008年轉眼就已經過去了,我也非常高興能夠在零八年裡做了很多自己喜歡的事及達成了很多願望,例如推出自己個人品牌的香水,參與北京奧運會的開幕典禮等等,所以我都很滿意自己在這一年內的成績!
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在迎接新一年的到來時,我都不忘工作,馬不停蹄地趕往南京參加國內江蘇衛視舉辦的跨年演唱會,此電視臺的收視率一向都很高企,所以我都很高興能夠透過電視跟國內幾億的歌迷朋友們一起跨越 2008年,邁向更美好的 2009年!
相隔兩年沒有來這邊表演,我也曾擔心過歌迷們會不會把我忘記掉了,想不到在跨年演唱會演唱的時候,全場的歌迷反應非常興奮,歡呼及尖叫聲不絕,最令我最感動的是當我演唱首本名曲“忽然之間”的時候,全場一起大合唱,場面非常溫馨,剛好給 2008年畫下一個完美的句號!
所以正在籌備 2009年的巡迴演唱會的我,想南京將會是必到的一站!
最後, 祝大家新一年都健康快樂!一起努力吧!
| 2008年转眼就已经过去了,我也非常高兴能够在零八年裡做了很多自己喜欢的事及达成了很多愿望,例如推出自己个人品牌的香水,参与北京奥运会的开幕典礼等等,所以我都很满意自己在这一年内的成绩!< /p> 在迎接新一年的到来时,我都不忘工作,马不停蹄地赶往南京参加国内江苏卫视举办的跨年演唱会,此电视台的收视率一向都很高企,所以我都很高兴能够透过电视跟国内几亿的歌迷朋友们一起跨越 2008年,迈向更美好的 2009年! 其实我在两年前曾经在南京的奥运体育馆中心举办过演唱会,当时的反应也非常热烈,票房的销售也创造了佳绩! 相隔两年没有来这边表演,我也曾担心过歌迷们会不会把我忘记掉了,想不到在跨年演唱会演唱的时候,全场的歌迷反应非常兴奋,欢呼及尖叫声不绝,最令我最感动的是当我演唱首本名曲“忽然之间”的时候,全场一起大合唱,场面非常温馨,刚好给 2008年画下一个完美的句号!& lt;/p>所以正在筹备 2009年的巡迴演唱会的我,想南京将会是必到的一站!< /span>在现场或在家中收看的你,有没有跟我一起唱呢? 跨年演唱会的嘉宾当中,有很多都是我的好朋友们,好像是庾澄庆,陶喆,蔡健雅及胡彦斌等等,我们都很高兴能够聚在一起同台跨越踏入新的一年,而彼此都送上最真诚的祝福! 大家的愿望都很一致,就是希望可以继续做更好的音乐作品,在这个不景气的时候带给大家更多的娱乐!& lt;/span> 最后, 祝大家新一年都健康快乐!一起努力吧!