Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Heading Out to Sea|向海洋出發|向海洋出发

It’s that time again for me to give you another report about the things I’ve seen and done here in Australia~! Last time I told you that I was heading out into the Australian ocean, yesterday I travelled on a boat and arrived here at Whitehaven Beach at Whitsunday.

Seriously, this place is just like paradise. Every grain of sand on the beach is indeed white! And of course, the glittery sun is shining brightly. You truly feel so comfortable and relaxed!~

While traveling midair on the seaplane, I saw the famous Heart Reef.

I even went on the fantaSea Cruise. We went out to the middle of Great Barrier Reef and looked at the marine life as well as the beautiful coral reef in a semi-submersible vessel. I even tried snorkeling with the film crew in the middle of the sea. It was a very interesting experience!


While I was on the island, I met a very special friend. His name is Ben. Ben is the title winner of 《The Best Job in the World》, and his job is to introduce all the uniquely wonderful things about Hamilton Island to every friend from around the world who comes to visit this place, on a daily basis. He spends time having fun with everyone, making sure that everybody has an enjoyable time and doesn’t want to leave! We envy him so much! But I think I’m luckier than him because I also have “the best job in the world”. Apart from doing the things that I really enjoy as an artist everyday, I also get to travel to places like here, film a documentary and have lots of fun! hahahaha…

Actually, I want to tell everybody that you can do the same thing as us. As long as you persevere with your dreams, anything will have a chance of coming true! Okay then ~ Remember to stay tuned for more on my travel trip~|

又是我來跟大家報告我在澳洲所見所聞的時候了 ~!之前我告訴過大家我將會向澳洲的海洋出發,昨天我就乘著帆船出海,來到聖靈群島 (Hamilton Island)的白色沙灘 (Whitehaven Beach)

這裡真的是一個世外桃園,沙灘上的沙粒名符其實是白色的!當然還有耀眼的陽光,真的很舒服很 relax啊! ~prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

乘坐 seaplane在半空中看見了很出名的心型島 (Heart Reef)

今天我還坐上一艘 fantaSea Cruise,我們到達大堡礁的海中心,坐水底船看海底的生物及漂亮的珊瑚,我還嘗試跟著拍攝隊伍一起到海中心浮潛,這經驗真很特別呢!


我在這個島上還認識了一位很特別的朋友 Ben,他是獲得《 The Best Job of the World》名銜的得主, Ben的工作就是每天負責在聖靈群島跟世界各地來的朋友們介紹此地的特色,陪大家一起遊玩,務求讓各人樂而忘返!大家都很羡慕他吧!不過我還要比他幸福,我也是有一份“ The Best job of the world”,我除了每天都可以做我自己喜歡的演藝事業之外,我還可以來到這裡邊拍攝節目邊遊玩呢! hahahaha…

其實我想告訴大家,您們也可以像我們一樣,只要您們堅持自己的夢想,什麼事情都會有機會達成的!好吧 ~敬請大家繼續期待我的旅程吧 ~|

又是我来跟大家报告我在澳洲所见所闻的时候了 ~!之前我告诉过大家我将会向澳洲的海洋出发,昨天我就乘着帆船出海,来到 圣灵群岛 (Hamilton Island)的白色沙滩 (Whitehaven Beach)

这里真的是一个世外桃园,沙滩上的沙粒名符其实是白色的!当然还有耀眼的阳光,真的很舒服很 relax啊! ~

乘坐 seaplane在半空中看见了很出名的心型岛 (Heart Reef)

今天我还坐上一艘 fantaSea Cruise,我们到达大堡礁的海中心,坐水底船看海底的生物及漂亮的珊瑚,我还尝试跟着拍摄队伍一起到海中心浮潜,这经验真很特别呢!


我在这个岛上还认识了一位很特别的朋友 Ben,他是获得《 The Best Job of the World》名衔的得主, Ben的工作就是每天负责在圣灵群岛跟世界各地来的朋友们介绍此地的特色,陪大家一起游玩,务求让各人乐而忘返!大家都很羡慕他吧!不过我还要比他幸福,我也是有一份“ The Best job of the world”,我除了每天都可以做我自己喜欢的演艺事业之外,我还可以来到这里边拍摄节目边游玩呢! hahahaha…

其实我想告诉大家,您们也可以像我们一样,只要您们坚持自己的梦想,什麽事情都会有机会达成的!好吧 ~敬请大家继续期待我的旅程吧 ~

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  46 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! thanks for the pics!
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 71183
Hi Karen, The great barrier reef is a wonderful place. Thanks for sharing, it's very inspiring and motivating to hear about your adventures and your words of encouragement to perservere your dreams!
大约 15 年 ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
it looked like you had so much fun. congratulations.
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 24183
Wow, you are very blessed indeed! Praise God! Looking forward to seeing your program and your upcoming work! ;)
大约 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008