Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Hui Wei|回蔚|回蔚

 With the album Karen not only widened people's listening and field of vision for music, but it even brought her Chinese music's highest honour - Taiwan Golden Melody Award for Best Album of the Year; these days she is devoted to planning and creating even better music. In the search for a breakthrough she finally thought of taking classic songs that have experienced the years of erosion yet still endured, that make people reminisce endlessly, and mix them with new melodies and lyrics giving them a new soul. The merging of music world's pivotal musicians Zhang Ya Dong and Francis Lee lead to a concoction of boundary breaking music. The all-inclusive album < Hui Wei>, is even taking the lead in using China Mobile's digital music platform 12530.com to launch this digital album.

Wanting to do a cover album is actually not easy at all. Wanting to make a cover album of completely remoulded classic songs is even harder; in fact on the album she already bravely brought forward new ideas, and attempted to mix Chinese and foreign, ancient and modern classical music with her own compositions. < Hui Wei> uses this drive to push towards another higher level. This album not only has the essence of China's national classic music, but also Europe's classical operas and Chinese folk songs Chinese-West fusion. Of course there are classic Chinese pop songs from the 70's and 80's. In a nutshell this is a national boundary breaking album that most gives people a pleasant surprise. Also this time the songs that were chosen to be covered are those that surprise people. The first title track is one of the best examples. Perhaps the majority of music fans cannot imagine Karen to have any connection to this national classic, but in fact Karen once performed this song at Nanning Music Festival in 2002. At that time the response was extremely good, so this time she decided to do a re-interpretation, allowing everyone to listen to this work from a different perspective!

The music production team behind < Hui Wei> is even history's most powerful "Iron Triangle" line-up; following from the previous single after working with Zhang Ya Dong, the song's release on China Mobile's music platform received a lot of attention. Downloads for the ringtone and song was even higher. In addition both individuals' music ideas are similar, so they immediately felt the need to work on a complete album together! This time they both immersed into working on composing completely new melodies to add onto some old songs. When the works are released they will be eye-catching. Furthermore, of course cannot leave out Francis Lee the lyricist who worked closely with Karen. Coming up with related meanings to extend old songs and add new lyrics is really very difficult. However the solid skills of Francis Lee have not disappointed Karen before. Please wait and see!

In respect to modelling, of course it will make one's eyes light up! In fact all along Karen has put a lot of thought into the composition, in order to give everyone an unexpected visual delight! This time Karen even matched avant-garde accessories with the representative Chinese traditional woman's clothing and her favourite "cheongsam", implementing the original intent of the new replaces the old. Modelling is perhaps reaching the highlighting point! Famous master of photography Wing Shya wielded his craft in the photos. He also expressed that these designs matched each song release from the album perfectly. Everyone must watch closely for the successive release of photos, it will definitely give you a visual stimulation.

This time Karen was very happy to work with China Mobile. However from early on before, Karen had expressed that new music platform times had already arrived. Times when actual CDs are released for songs will become a thing of the past, therefore this time she adopted China Mobile's music platform to release her first digital album. This means you can only go to China Mobile's exclusive music website 12530.com to download the songs on this album, in order to widen this product to another level this time.

New elements meet with classic songs, bringing a different audiovisual impression to music fans! Hope that everyone can find one's own feeling from " Hui Wei"! |


Karen莫文蔚憑著《拉活》專輯不但拉闊了大家對音樂的聽覺及視野,更為她帶來一座華語樂壇最高榮譽-台灣金曲獎最佳演唱專輯大獎;這些日子她致力籌劃製作更好的音樂,在尋求突破之際她終於想到將一些經歷過歲月沖刷仍歷久不衰,讓人回味不已的經典歌曲混合全新旋律和歌詞貫上新靈魂,並聯同樂壇舉足輕重的音樂人張亞東和李焯雄炮製了一張打破音樂國界,包羅萬象的專輯《回蔚》,更率先採用中國移動的數字音樂平台12530.com來首發這張數位專輯。要做一張翻唱作品的專輯其實並不容易,要做一張將經典歌曲重新改造的翻唱專輯更不容易;其實在《拉活》專輯中她已經大膽創新,嘗試將一些中外古今經典樂曲及她自己的創作糅合一起,《回蔚》將這個精神推往另外一個更高的層次。專輯中不但有中國音樂的精髓民族經典,還有歐洲古典歌劇跟中國民歌中西合璧的結合,當然不乏七、八十年代的經典華語流行歌曲,總括來說這是一張打破國界,收錄最讓人驚喜作品的專輯。而這一次選定翻唱的歌曲更是讓人有驚喜的感覺,首波主打歌《打起手鼓唱起歌》就是一個最佳的例子,可能大部分的樂迷都想像不到Karen會跟這首民族經典有任何關聯,其實Karen早在2002年在南寧音樂節中曾經演唱過,當時反應極之良好,所以她這一次便決定重新演繹,務求讓大家以一個不一樣的角度聆聽這首作品!《回蔚》的音樂製作班底更是史上最強的“鐵三角”陣容;繼上一次《密流》單曲跟張亞東合作過之後,歌曲在中國移動音樂平台中發布過後受到高度的注視,彩鈴及歌曲的下載量更是非常高,加上二人在音樂上的理念十分相近,所以便立刻有感需要來一次完整的專輯合作!這一次他們更一起埋首為幾首舊歌中加上全新創作的旋律,作品推出的時候將必引起觸目。另外當然少不了和Karen合作無間的填詞人李焯雄,為了要在舊歌的歌詞中加上新詞,想出關聯並延伸其意思實在是很困難,不過功力深厚的李焯雄卻從未讓Karen失望過,大家請拭目以待!談到造型方面,當然是讓人眼前一亮的感覺!其實一直以來Karen花了很多心思在造型的構思上,務求大家有意想不到的視覺享受!這一次Karen更將中國傳統代表女性的衣服及她的最愛“旗袍”配上前衛的配飾,貫徹新舊交替的原意,造型可算是達到出神入化的地步!照片由著名攝影大師夏永康Wing Shya來操刀,他也表示這些造型配合專輯中的歌曲推出實在是天衣無縫,大家一定要密切留意陸續推出的造型照,一定會給您們視覺上的刺激。這次Karen很高興能和中國移動合作,然而Karen早在之前已經表示新的音樂平台時代已經降臨,實體CD發表歌曲的時代將會成為過去式,所以這一次她採用中國移動的音樂平台發布自己第一張數字專輯,即是代表大家只可以在中國移動專屬音樂網站12530.com下載到這張專輯的所有歌曲,務求將這次的作品擴闊到到另一個層面。新元素和經典碰頭,將必為樂迷帶來視覺和聽覺不一樣的新衝擊!希望大家都會在“回蔚”中找到屬於您們感動!

 |   Karen莫文蔚凭着《拉活》专辑不但拉阔了大家对音乐的听觉及视野,更为她带来一座华语乐坛最高荣誉-台湾金曲奖最佳演唱专辑大奖;这些日子她致力筹划製作更好的音乐,在寻求突破之际她终于想到将一些经历过岁月冲刷仍历久不衰,让人回味不已的经典歌曲溷合全新旋律和歌词贯上新灵魂,并联同乐坛举足轻重的音乐人张亚东和李焯雄炮製了一张打破音乐国界,包罗万象的专辑《回蔚》,更率先採用中国移动的数字音乐平台12530.com来首发这张数位专辑。要做一张翻唱作品的专辑其实并不容易,要做一张将经典歌曲重新改造的翻唱专辑更不容易;其实在《拉活》专辑中她已经大胆创新,尝试将一些中外古今经典乐曲及她自己的创作糅合一起,《回蔚》将这个精神推往另外一个更高的层次。专辑中不但有中国音乐的精髓民族经典,还有欧洲古典歌剧跟中国民歌中西合璧的结合,当然不乏七、八十年代的经典华语流行歌曲,总括来说这是一张打破国界,收录最让人惊喜作品的专辑。而这一次选定翻唱的歌曲更是让人有惊喜的感觉,首波主打歌《打起手鼓唱起歌》就是一个最佳的例子,可能大部分的乐迷都想像不到Karen会跟这首民族经典有任何关联,其实Karen早在2002年在南宁音乐节中曾经演唱过,当时反应极之良好,所以她这一次便决定重新演绎,务求让大家以一个不一样的角度聆听这首作品!《回蔚》的音乐製作班底更是史上最强的“铁三角”阵容;继上一次《密流》单曲跟张亚东合作过之后,歌曲在中国移动音乐平台中发布过后受到高度的注视,彩铃及歌曲的下载量更是非常高,加上二人在音乐上的理念十分相近,所以便立刻有感需要来一次完整的专辑合作!这一次他们更一起埋首为几首旧歌中加上全新创作的旋律,作品推出的时候将必引起触目。另外当然少不了和Karen合作无间的填词人李焯雄,为了要在旧歌的歌词中加上新词,想出关联并延伸其意思实在是很困难,不过功力深厚的李焯雄却从未让Karen失望过,大家请拭目以待!谈到造型方面,当然是让人眼前一亮的感觉!其实一直以来Karen花了很多心思在造型的构思上,务求大家有意想不到的视觉享受!这一次Karen更将中国传统代表女性的衣服及她的最爱“旗袍”配上前卫的配饰,贯彻新旧交替的原意,造型可算是达到出神入化的地步!照片由着名摄影大师夏永康Wing Shya来操刀,他也表示这些造型配合专辑中的歌曲推出实在是天衣无缝,大家一定要密切留意陆续推出的造型照,一定会给您们视觉上的刺激。这次Karen很高兴能和中国移动合作,然而Karen早在之前已经表示新的音乐平台时代已经降临,实体CD发表歌曲的时代将会成为过去式,所以这一次她採用中国移动的音乐平台发布自己第一张数字专辑,即是代表大家只可以在中国移动专属音乐网站12530.com下载到这张专辑的所有歌曲,务求将这次的作品扩阔到到另一个层面。< /font> 新元素和经典碰头,将必为乐迷带来视觉和听觉不一样的新冲击!希望大家都会在“回蔚”中找到属于您们感动! 

15 年多 前 0 赞s  21 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow cool. let us know how the online downloads work!
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008