To all my dear friends, do you know how excited I am at the moment? The first stop of my concert tour circuit is going to be held tomorrow night, December the 11th, at Beijing Worker’s Gymnasium! I’ve waited a long time for this day to come; have you been anticipating this day like me as well? I actually arrived in Beijing a few days earlier so I could do all the preparation work for my concert. And even though the weather has been quite cold lately, I’ve been watching my team practicing hard for my concert every day and seeing the power of them working together to do a particular thing honestly makes me feel so touched; it’s so heart warming! What’s going to be revealed to you tomorrow night is the result of our efforts and hard work that we’ve done over the many months. I hope everyone will be able to feel our sincerity, and I wholeheartedly hope that I can bring you happiness and an evening of entertainment to remember! I’ve been in the city over the past few days and I’ve noticed many of my concert posters around the place, and an advertisement on the side of the bus, even the car company sponsoring my concert who have provided some cars for me to travel in have a very unique design on them! Have you seen them around in Beijing? Okay! I will definitely try to do my best and give everyone a “memorable” and unforgettable concert. I hope that when I’m on stage tomorrow night, I’ll you, you, you, and you there as well~!
|各位親愛的朋友,大家知道我此刻的心情是何等的興奮嗎?我的巡迴演唱會第一站將會在明晚12月11日於北京工人體育館舉行了!我等這一天的來臨實在等得太久了,您們是否也和我一樣期待呢? 前幾天我已經提前到北京做好演唱會的準備功夫了,雖然天氣有點冷,不過看著我的團隊每天都在為這個演唱會而拼搏,那股凝聚所有人的力量去做一件事情的感覺實在讓我非常感動及溫暖!於明晚呈現在大家眼前的,就是我們多個月努力出來的成果,希望大家會感受到我們的誠意,衷心希望能給大家一個歡樂及難忘的晚上! 這幾天我在北京的鬧市看到很多演唱會的宣傳海報, 還有巴士車身的廣告, 贊助我這次演唱會的車隊也有別致的字體設計呢! 您們在北京有沒有看到過呢? 好吧!我一定會加油努力,給大家一個“回蔚”無窮的演唱會,希望明晚在臺上看到你,你,你,還有你~!
|各位亲爱的朋友,大家知道我此刻的心情是何等的兴奋吗?我的巡迴演唱会第一站将会在明晚12月11日于北京工人体育馆举行了!我等这一天的来临实在等得太久了,您们是否也和我一样期待呢?前几天我已经提前到北京做好演唱会的准备功夫了,虽然天气有点冷,不过看着我的团队每天都在为这个演唱会而拼搏,那股凝聚所有人的力量去做一件事情的感觉实在让我非常感动及温暖!于明晚呈现在大家眼前的,就是我们多个月努力出来的成果,希望大家会感受到我们的诚意,衷心希望能给大家一个欢乐及难忘的晚上!这几天我在北京的闹市看到很多演唱会的宣传海报, 还有巴士车身的广告, 赞助我这次演唱会的车队也有别致的字体设计呢! 您们在北京有没有看到过呢?好吧!我一定会加油努力,给大家一个“回蔚”无穷的演唱会,希望明晚在台上看到你,你,你,还有你~!