Official Artist
Karen Mok
Actor , Singer
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Karen Mok 2009-2010 Hui Wei Concert Tour|回蔚莫文蔚2009-2010巡迴演唱會|回蔚莫文蔚2009-2010巡迴演唱会

Ok, I have announced the official launch of on the official website.The concert will be held on 11th December at Beijing Workers' Gymnasium, and on 26th December at Shanghai Grand Stage. These two concerts will be a prelude. Fans at other places such as Hong Kong and Taiwan don't need to worry, because the concert tour will definitely continue on everywhere. Once a date has been set I will announce it immediately.

Does everyone like the style of the poster for this concert?

Zhang Yadong will be my music director, and at the press conference Zhang Yadong's first work will be played for the first time. The MV for the song that he first directed for me earlier, will also have its national premiere at the press conference!


For this concert I will take on the task of a part-time producer and creative director. These few months in every minute of every second my head has been planning all the details of this concert. I must pour all the ideas that have accumulated over the past few years into this concert, taking the performances in the past that have left a deep impression on everyone to give an upgraded edition. As the title suggests I wish to reminisce/"hui wei" with everyone the history of my performances.

To all my fans, can you share your thoughts with me? Doesn't matter if it's what particular song you wish to hear at the concert or which type of my concert style you like? You can leave a message to let me know! Your ideas and opinions are very important to my concert. Love you all to death.

  | 好了,我在官網宣佈<回蔚莫文蔚2009-10巡迴演唱會>正式展開。

演唱會在十二月十一日于北京工人體育館舉行,十二月二十六日在上海大舞臺劇院舉行,這兩場演唱會是一個序幕,其他的地方如香港及臺灣的歌迷觀眾不用擔心,因為巡迴演唱會一定會到處繼續進行,如果定下了時間一定會第一時間向外公佈。 prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

這次演唱會海報上的造型, 大家喜歡嗎?

張亞東大哥會為我擔任 音樂總監, 而記者會上也 首播了張亞東的處女作,他早前為我首執導演筒拍攝了歌曲《外面的世界》的音樂錄影帶,在記者會上也作了全國的首播!


我將會為這一次演唱會兼任監製及創意總監的工作, 這幾個月我腦袋每分每秒都是在構思演唱會的所有細節,務求將這幾年來累積的一些想法灌注在這次演唱會上,更會將以往一些讓大家留下深刻印象的表演做一個升級版本,顧名思義就是想跟大家一起回味/回蔚我的演出歷程。

各位粉絲們, 可以跟我一起分享你們的想法嗎?無論你們是希望於演唱會中聽到那一首歌曲或者是喜歡我那一類型的演唱會造型? 也可以留言告訴我啊! 你們我意見對我的演唱會是十分重要的 。愛死你們了。

 | 好了,我在官网宣佈<回蔚莫文蔚2009-10巡迴演唱会>正式展开。 演唱会在十二月十一日于北京工人体育馆举行,十二月二十六日在上海大舞台剧院举行,这两场演唱会是一个序幕,其他的地方如香港及台湾的歌迷观众不用担心,因为巡迴演唱会一定会到处继续进行,如果定下了时间一定会第一时间向外公佈。 这次演唱会海报上的造型, 大家喜欢吗? 张亚东大哥会为我担任 音乐总监, 而记者会上也 首播了张亚东的处女作,他早前为我首执导演筒拍摄了歌曲《外面的世界》的音乐录影带,在记者会上也作了全国的首播! , 我将会为这一次演唱会兼任监製及创意总监的工作, 这几个月我脑袋每分每秒都是在构思演唱会的所有细节,务求将这几年来累积的一些想法灌注在这次演唱会上,更会将以往一些让大家留下深刻印象的表演做一个升级版本,顾名思义就是想跟大家一起回味/回蔚我的演出历程。 各位粉丝们, 可以跟我一起分享你们的想法吗?无论你们是希望于演唱会中听到那一首歌曲或者是喜欢我那一类型的演唱会造型? 也可以留言告诉我啊! 你们我意见对我的演唱会是十分重要的 。爱死你们了。  

about 15 years ago 0 likes  27 comments  0 shares
Photo 65978
shanghai in december? You should come to my new dog hotel in Shanghai! :)
about 15 years ago


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September 4, 2008
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