Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Karen Mok Presents to You New Renditions of Endless 《Hui Wei》 Classics in 2009|2009年莫文蔚給你【回蔚】無窮的創新經典|2009年莫文蔚给你【回蔚】无穷的创新经典

Karen Mok Presents to You New Renditions of Endless《Hui Wei》Classics in 2009

A sincere album that transports you through space, time, and the borders of land.

Karen Mok presents new renditions of endless《Hui Wei》classics in 2009.

23 June 2009, Hong Kong singer and queen of pop Karen Mok, in association with China Mobile’s Wireless Music Club and the Beijing Kututu Advertising Agency for Culture and Arts, held a grand press release conference in Beijing for the exclusive digital release of Karen Mok’s new album《Hui Wei》on China Mobile’s Wireless Music Club. Present at the event included executives from China Mobile and representatives from Kututu Advertising Agency, as well as album producer Zhang Yadong and Karen Mok. Together they activated a colorful ball suspended in mid-air which then scattered colorful confetti in all four directions, marking the climax of the press release conference where the first digital album collaborated by Karen Mok and China Mobile was officially revealed.

Not only did Karen Mok achieve the results of “expanding” everybody’s music and viewing experience with her previous album《Live》, her unique musical style and her dedication for individualism made her devote music fans admire her even more, and it also brought her the highest honor in the Asian music industry – winning the award for Best Live Performance Album at the 19th Taiwan Music Awards. Karen endeavors for creativity and to achieve perfection, which made her determined to present something different from a new perspective with her next music creation. During this period of time, Karen has been working hard for a breakthrough and she finally came up with the idea of combining some well known traditional Chinese folk songs with some classic songs that everyone is already familiar with, mix them into a new melody with new lyrics, and use the newest most current style of musical arrangement which creates an all-new soul for the rendition of a song. Working together with renowned music producer Zhang Yadong and lyricist Li Zhuoxiong whom she has worked with numerous times before, they invented《Hui Wei》, an all-embracing album that has broken the cultural borders of music. At the same time, they are the first to use China Mobile’s numerical web address 12530.com to release an extremely high quality of a digital album so no matter what area or province a fan may be located, they can still listen to music that Karen worked especially hard to create via the numerical URL.

The Level Set for the Album: To Travel Through Time. A Combination of East and West.

It’s not easy to make an album consisting of remade songs; it’s even harder to create an album of newly arranged renditions of classic songs. Karen’s brave and creative spirit showed in her experiments with combining timeless classics and her own creative ideas in her previous album《Live》. Her new album《Hui Wei》will push this creative spirit into a new level. A lot of work and effort has been put into the song selection process for this album. Among the choices were some of China’s well known traditional cultural songs as well as a Chinese cultural song combined with classical Italian opera, a 1930’s old Shanghai classic that expresses countless emotions, and of course the classic Asian pop songs of the 70’s and 80’s can’t be left out. Generally speaking, this is an album that breaks international borders and travels through space and time. It’s an album that has recorded a collection of pleasantly surprising songs.

In the way Karen performed these songs, she especially spent extra time to investigate the background of each song because she knew that behind each song was its own unique story. It’s the same as being in the movie world, for example; she needs to understand the whole story, the development of the script, and then use her voice to perform different characters and express her emotions in different ways. The first plug song, “Daqi Shougu Changqi Ge” (Play the Hand Drums and Sing), leaves listeners with an unexpected feeling. Maybe the majority of Karen’s fans could never imagine that Karen would have any association with this classic cultural song. But Karen has actually sung this song before at the Nanning Music Festival in 2002. The response at the time was extremely pleasing so she decided to include a new rendition of this song in her album, hoping that through these very familiar and well known songs, everyone will have a new kind of appreciation with the joy and happiness that music can bring us.

The Strongest Triangle – Music Production Team

The music production team behind《Hui Wei》is the strongest “triangle” trio team. Continuing from the previous single《Mi Liu》and collaborating with well known music producer Zhang Yadong, the song received a high response on China Mobile’s website. The number of downloads for the song and ringtone was extremely high! Also, after cooperating on the single, they both discovered that their ideas were very similar and they instantly felt the need to work on a full length album together! They’ve included several renditions of old songs with the addition of newly arranged melodies. When these newly arranged classic songs are released, this creative mix of new and old will certainly gain the attention of listeners. Also in the team is lyricist Li Zhuoxiong who has cooperated with Karen on a continuous basis. It’s been difficult for the lyricist to write additional new lyrics to an old song that remains faithful and related to the original idea, but experienced lyrics writer Li Zhioxiong has never disappointed Karen. Especially with the song《Qing Shan Zai》for example, the idea behind the new lyrics expresses that everything is still the same but time will always continue to elapse and humans will never be able to change the everlasting fact of reality. With such a strong production team and abundant material to work with, it’s certainly an album that everyone will enjoy!

The Mok Style – Creating a Personal and Unique Trend of Mix and Match

With regards to her style, naturally she gives people an eye-opening feeling! In fact, Karen has always spent a lot of time and effort with the concepts and ideas of her image, ensuring that everyone will visually enjoy her unexpected styles! This time Karen wore a traditional Chinese outfit that represents a female, and is also one of her favorite outfits, the “Qipao” with some fashionable accessories, implying the idea of new and old replacing each other. The image and style can be said as having achieved amazing and outstanding effects! In one of the styles exhibited by Karen, she wears a “Ma Jia” piece of armor on top of her qipao which gives a classical yet modern kind of feel to her style. It also shows the idea of combining eastern and western styles into one; and combined with an especially designed unique hairstyle, the overall impact of her image has an attractive and outstanding effect. Furthermore, Karen’s personal collection of ancient styled clothes and accessories can finally be used for the occasion. Her mix of daily styles is also based on her own amazing ideas, giving birth to a very unique and unparalleled Mok style! Promotional photos were taken by well known professional photographer Wing Shya who is most capable of capturing the charm and beauty of Karen. He expressed that this particular image and style works perfectly well with the songs in the album, and asks everybody to keep an eye out for upcoming photo releases of her image as it will certainly give the audience some visible excitement.

New Age Digital Era, Becoming Closer with the Fans

Karen is very pleased with having the opportunity to cooperate with China Mobile in releasing her first album of remakes. It is also her first release of a digital album. Karen had previously mentioned that a new era for music distribution had already arrived and the era of CDs has passed. CD will soon become a collector’s item. Now, everybody can download all the songs from the album by visiting China Mobile’s exclusive music website 12530.com, hoping to expand this piece of work to a new level. In coordination with the release of these new songs, China Mobile will create even more opportunities for fans to become closer to the artist by organized a Friends Concert in July so that fans and friends who love Karen will have the chance to be up close and personal with their idol. Furthermore, they’ll be able to hear Karen sing the new renditions of the songs first hand.

New element meets classic hits; an album that includes explosive energy that will definitely bring a refreshing audio and visual experience for music fans! Hopefully everybody will be able to find their own emotions through “Hui Wei”! 












Famous music producer Zhang Yadong presenting flowers to Karen



Executives from Kututu Advertising Agency, producer Zhang Yadong and Karen Mok activating the colorful ball and antithetical couplets that were suspended in mid-air.



  | 一張跨越時空和國土邊界的誠意之作 prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /



2009年 6月 23日,香港天后級歌手莫文蔚攜手中國移動無線音樂俱樂部,北京酷兔兔文化藝術推廣有限公司,在北京隆重舉行中國移動獨家數字首發莫文蔚新專輯《回蔚》發佈會。中國移動領導及酷兔兔公司相關領導聯同製作人張亞東與莫文蔚一起,開啟了懸在空中的彩球,隨著金花四濺的滿堂彩,發佈會到達高潮,中國移動與莫文蔚首張數字專輯全方位合作正式拉開序幕。


Karen莫文蔚憑著上一張 <拉活

專輯不但“拉闊”了大家對音樂的聽覺及視野,使所有樂迷們更欣賞她在音樂上的獨特風格及自我的堅持,更為她帶來一座華語樂壇最高榮譽 –第十九屆臺灣金曲獎最佳演唱專輯大獎; Karen秉持力求創新和做事完美的宗旨,讓她下定決心將下一個音樂作品以全新角度呈現在大家面前。這些日子她致力尋求突破,終於想到將屬於我們中國歷久不衰的地方民謠及所有人都耳熟能詳的經典歌曲,混合全新旋律和歌詞,配上現代嶄新編曲方式,為歌曲貫上全新的靈魂,並聯同樂壇舉足輕重的音樂製作人張亞東和合作無間的填詞人李焯雄,合力炮製了一張打破音樂國界,包羅萬象的專輯《回蔚》。同時更率先採用中國移動的數位音樂平臺 12530.com來首發這張含金量極高的數位專輯,無論是身處那個省份的歌迷都可以透過這個平臺分享到 Karen努力炮製的音樂作品。


專輯的高度定位 :跨越時空。中西合壁


專輯中 Karen已經憑著大膽創新的精神,嘗試將一些中外古今的經典樂曲及她自己的創作糅合一起,《回蔚》將這個精神推往另外一個更高的層次。這次專輯的選曲方面花了不少心思,當中不但有中國的精髓經典民族歌曲,還有義大利古典歌劇跟中國民歌的中西合璧,風情萬種的三十年代老上海經典,當然不能缺少七、八十年代的經典華語流行歌曲,總括來說這是一張打破國界,穿越時空領域,一次過收錄最讓人驚喜作品的專輯。

在演繹歌曲方面,這一次 Karen花了特別多時間去鑽研每首歌的背景,因為在這些經典作品背後都有獨特的經歷,就仿如置身在電影世界當中,她要瞭解整個故事及劇情的發展,然後用聲音演繹出不同的角色,表達她不一樣的情感。首波主打歌“打起手鼓唱起歌” 更讓人有意想不到的感覺,可能大部份樂迷都想像不到 Karen會跟這首民族經典有任何關聯,其實 Karen早在 2002年在南寧音樂節中曾經演唱過,當時反應極之良好,所以她這一次便決定重新演繹,希望透過一些耳熟能詳的歌曲,可以讓大家重新領略到音樂所能帶給我們的快樂。




《回蔚》的音樂製作班底更是最強的“鐵三角”陣容;繼上一次《密流》單曲 Karen跟知名製作人張亞東合作過後,歌曲在中國移動音樂平臺線上受到高度的注視,彩鈴及歌曲的下載量更是非常高!而他們在合作過後,發覺二人在音樂上的理念十分相近,所以便立刻有感需要來一次完整的專輯合作!這一次他們更一起埋首為幾首舊歌中加上全新創作的旋律,這些混合新舊創作、古今樂曲的獨特作品推出時,勢必引起觸目。另外當然少不了和 Karen合作無間的填詞人李焯雄,為了要在舊歌的歌詞中加上新詞,想出關聯並延伸其意思實在是很困難,不過功力深厚的李焯雄卻從未讓 Karen失望過,尤其以《青山在》一曲為例,新詞中想要表達的意思是縱使青山依舊,但時光總會流逝,人類還是不能改變永恆不滅的定律。這麼強勁的陣容及豐富的內容,的確讓所有人引頸以待!


莫式造型 創出自我獨有的混搭風潮

談到造型方面,當然是讓人眼前一亮的感覺!其實一直以來 Karen花了很多心思在造型的構思上,務求大家有意想不到的視覺享受!這一次 Karen更將中國傳統代表女性的衣服及她的最愛“旗袍”配上前衛的配飾,貫徹新舊交替的原意,造型可算是達到出神入化的地步!其中 Karen在一件旗袍外面加了一件“馬甲”,復古中帶出前衛的感覺,更貫徹了中、西合璧的理念;加上精心設計的獨特髮髻,整體上的效果更攝人及突出;還有 Karen自己收集已久的古董衣服及配襯的飾物終於可以大派用場了,自我混搭的時尚的造型都是來自她奇妙的想法,獨一無二的莫式造型就這樣誕生了!宣傳照片由最能捕捉 Karen神韻的著名攝影大師夏永康 Wing Shya來操刀,他表示這些造型配合專輯中的歌曲推出實在是天衣無縫,大家一定要密切留意陸續推出的造型照,一定會給您們視覺上的刺激。


數碼音樂新時代 與歌迷更接近

這次 Karen很高興能有機會和中國移動合作推出她第一張翻唱作品,也是她第一張發佈的數位專輯; Karen早在之前已經表示新的音樂平臺時代已經降臨,實體 CD發表歌曲的時代將會過去, CD將會變成收藏品,大家現在陸續可以在中國移動專屬音樂網站 12530.com下載到這張專輯的所有歌曲,務求將這次的作品擴闊到到另一個層面。隨著新歌的誕生,中國移動將會為眾樂迷製造更多與歌手近距離的接觸,在七月份將會舉行歌友會讓所有喜歡 Karen的樂迷可以一睹偶像的風采之外,更可以率先聽到 Karen現場為大家演繹全新的作品。





















 | 一张跨越时空和国土边界的诚意之作 2009年莫文蔚给你【回蔚】无穷的创新经典   2009年 6月 23日,香港天后级歌手莫文蔚携手中国移动无线音乐俱乐部,北京酷兔兔文化艺术推广有限公司,在北京隆重举行中国移动独家数字首发莫文蔚新专辑《回蔚》发佈会。中国移动领导及酷兔兔公司相关领导联同製作人张亚东与莫文蔚一起,开启了悬在空中的彩球,随着金花四溅的满堂彩,发佈会到达高潮,中国移动与莫文蔚首张数字专辑全方位合作正式拉开序幕。   Karen莫文蔚凭着上一张 <拉活

专辑不但“拉阔”了大家对音乐的听觉及视野,使所有乐迷们更欣赏她在音乐上的独特风格及自我的坚持,更为她带来一座华语乐坛最高荣誉 –第十九届台湾金曲奖最佳演唱专辑大奖; Karen秉持力求创新和做事完美的宗旨,让她下定决心将下一个音乐作品以全新角度呈现在大家面前。这些日子她致力寻求突破,终于想到将属于我们中国历久不衰的地方民谣及所有人都耳熟能详的经典歌曲,溷合全新旋律和歌词,配上现代崭新编曲方式,为歌曲贯上全新的灵魂,并联同乐坛举足轻重的音乐製作人张亚东和合作无间的填词人李焯雄,合力炮製了一张打破音乐国界,包罗万象的专辑《回蔚》。同时更率先採用中国移动的数位音乐平台 12530.com来首发这张含金量极高的数位专辑,无论是身处那个省份的歌迷都可以透过这个平台分享到 Karen努力炮製的音乐作品。   专辑的高度定位 :跨越时空。中西合壁 要做一张翻唱作品的专辑并不简单,要做一张将经典歌曲重新改造的翻唱专辑更不容易;在<拉活 专辑中 Karen已经凭着大胆创新的精神,尝试将一些中外古今的经典乐曲及她自己的创作糅合一起,《回蔚》将这个精神推往另外一个更高的层次。这次专辑的选曲方面花了不少心思,当中不但有中国的精髓经典民族歌曲,还有义大利古典歌剧跟中国民歌的中西合璧,风情万种的三十年代老上海经典,当然不能缺少七、八十年代的经典华语流行歌曲,总括来说这是一张打破国界,穿越时空领域,一次过收录最让人惊喜作品的专辑。 在演绎歌曲方面,这一次 Karen花了特别多时间去鑽研每首歌的背景,因为在这些经典作品背后都有独特的经历,就彷如置身在电影世界当中,她要瞭解整个故事及剧情的发展,然后用声音演绎出不同的角色,表达她不一样的情感。首波主打歌“打起手鼓唱起歌” 更让人有意想不到的感觉,可能大部份乐迷都想像不到 Karen会跟这首民族经典有任何关联,其实 Karen早在 2002年在南宁音乐节中曾经演唱过,当时反应极之良好,所以她这一次便决定重新演绎& lt;/span> ,希望透过一些耳熟能详的歌曲,可以让大家重新领略到音乐所能带给我们的快乐。     最强铁三角音乐製作团队 《回蔚》的音乐製作班底更是最强的“铁三角”阵容;继上一次《密流》单曲 Karen跟知名製作人张亚东合作过后,歌曲在中国移动音乐平台线上受到高度的注视,彩铃及歌曲的下载量更是非常高!而他们在合作过后,发觉二人在音乐上的理念十分相近,所以便立刻有感需要来一次完整的专辑合作!这一次他们更一起埋首为几首旧歌中加上全新创作的旋律,这些溷合新旧创作、古今乐曲的独特作品推出时,势必引起触目。另外当然少不了和 Karen合作无间的填词人李焯雄,为了要在旧歌的歌词中加上新词,想出关联并延伸其意思实在是很困难,不过功力深厚的李焯雄却从未让 Karen失望过,尤其以《青山在》一曲为例,新词中想要表达的意思是纵使青山依旧,但时光总会流逝,人类还是不能改变永恆不灭的定律。这麽强劲的阵容及丰富的内容,的确让所有人引颈以待!   莫式造型创出自我独有的溷搭风潮 谈到造型方面,当然是让人眼前一亮的感觉!其实一直以来 Karen花了很多心思在造型的构思上,务求大家有意想不到的视觉享受!这一次< span lang="EN-US">Karen更将中国传统代表女性的衣服及她的最爱“旗袍”配上前卫的配饰,贯彻新旧交替的原意,造型可算是达到出神入化的地步!其中 Karen在一件旗袍外面加了一件 “马甲”,复古中带出前卫的感觉,更贯彻了中、西合璧的理念;加上精心设计的独特髮髻,整体上的效果更摄人及突出;还有 Karen自己收集已久的古董衣服及配衬的饰物终于可以大派用场了,自我溷搭的时尚的造型都是来自她奇妙的想法,独一无二的莫式造型就这样诞生了!宣传照片由最能捕捉 Karen神韵的着名摄影大师夏永康 Wing Shya来操刀,他表示这些造型配合专辑中的歌曲推出实在是天衣无缝,大家一定要密切留意陆续推出的造型照,一定会给您们视觉上的刺激。   数码音乐新时代与歌迷更接近 这次 Karen很高兴能有机会和中国移动合作推出她第一张翻唱作品,也是她第一张发佈的数位专辑; Karen早在之前已经表示新的音乐平台时代已经降临,实体 CD发表歌曲的时代将会过去, CD将会变成收藏品,大家现在陆续可以在中国移动专属音乐网站 12530.com下载到这张专辑的所有歌曲,务求将这次的作品扩阔到到另一个层面。随着新歌的诞生,中国移动将会为众乐迷製造更多与歌手近距离的接触,在七月份将会举行歌友会让所有喜欢 Karen的乐迷可以一睹偶像的风采之外,更可以率先听到 Karen现场为大家演绎全新的作品。   新元素和经典碰头,当中所爆发的火花将必为乐迷带来视觉和听觉的新冲击!希望大家都会在“回蔚”中找到属于您们感动!                         名製作人张亚东献花给Karen< /o:p>     酷兔兔公司领导联同製作人张亚东与莫文蔚一起,开启悬在空中的彩球及对联& lt;/span>      

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Hong Kong
September 4, 2008