Karen Mok announces the launch of KAREN MOK The Fragrance a Collection of Eau de Parfum, Body Lotion and Shower Gel.
Karen Mok together with DNA Beauteare playing a major role in paving the way for an Asian celebrity segment in the fragrance industry.
For the very first time, a major Asian Female Artist and a Cosmetic & Fragrance Company have come together to develop and launch the World's first Asian Celebrity Fragrance. The result is KAREN MOK The Fragrance an intoxicating and fruity cocktail that captures the essence of Karen Mok in a bottle - sexy, edgy and utterly feminine. Karen's personal touch is reflected in every element of this new fragrance from the arresting pink "juice" to the charming silver embellishment on the bottle. Her deep involvement ensures that KAREN MOK The Fragrancetruly encapsulates the essence of Karen Mok's extraordinary character and life.
With KAREN MOKThe Fragrance, Karen encourages young women to follow her example, being , assuming their , from conventions, showing in both their work and personal lives.
Just as she fills the stage with her beauty and cool attitude, she provides for young womento live their lives center stage.
莫文蔚推出 世界首款亞洲名人香水KAREN MOK限量版即將為您揭開神秘面紗,系列乳液和沐浴乳也將同期上市。
香港藝人莫文蔚和DNA Beaute首次攜手,打造獨一無二的亞洲首款名人香,那便是KAREN MOK。
KAREN MOK像一杯令人陶醉的雞尾酒,將莫文蔚個人獨特氣質的精髓融合在了一個精致的香水瓶中——性感、魅惑、女人味十足。香水的每一個細節都彰顯出莫文蔚的個人特質,從粉紅色的“瓊汁”到瓶身迷人的銀色裝飾。
莫文蔚的傾心投入使KAREN MOK香水捕捉了她非凡個性和生活的全部精髓所在。這次空前的合作,也為粉絲和香水收藏者們打開了一扇新的大門。
時尚•性感•女人味,KAREN MOK香水現已上市。
莫文蔚携手推出 世界首款亚洲名人香水KAREN MOK限量版即将为您揭开神秘面纱,系列乳液和沐浴乳也将同期上市。
香港艺人莫文蔚和DNA Beaute首次携手,打造独一无二的亚洲首款名人香,那便是KAREN MOK。
KAREN MOK像一杯令人陶醉的鸡尾酒,将莫文蔚个人独特气质的精髓融合在了一个精致的香水瓶中——性感、魅惑、女人味十足。
莫文蔚的倾心投入使KAREN MOK香水捕捉了她非凡个性和生活的全部精髓所在。这次空前的合作,也为粉丝和香水收藏者们打开了一扇新的大门。
时尚·性感·女人味,KAREN MOK香水现已上市。