Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Karen Mok’s Fans Messages|莫迷留言|莫迷留言

I’ve noticed some fans have been regularly leaving messages for me. I’d like to tell everyone that I actually personally read every single piece of news or message left for me but work has just been too busy and I honestly haven’t had the chance to reply individually. But I promise that I will dedicate more time for you all because whenever I read about the things that have happened in your lives, I still feel that we are very close together even though we might be miles apart. Seeing the happiness in my fans also makes me happy. Let’s all work hard together!

You should leave me more messages; I will definitely read them all! | 我看見有些粉絲常常留言給我,我要告訴大家,其實你們每一個信息和留言,我都有親自看過,但是工作太繁忙了,真的不能夠每一個都回復.但是我答應你們,我一定會多抽時間給你們.因為看到你們跟我說生活中發生的事情,雖然我們距離很遠,但感覺卻很接近.看見粉絲們快樂也讓我很快樂.大家一起努力啊!

你們要多留言給我,我一定會看的!| 我看见有些粉丝常常留言给我,我要告诉大家,其实你们每一个信息和留言,我都有亲自看过,但是工作太繁忙了,真的不能够每一个都回复.但是我答应你们,我一定会多抽时间给你们.因为看到你们跟我说生活中发生的事情,虽然我们距离很远,但感觉却很接近.看见粉丝们快乐也让我很快乐.大家一起努力啊! 你们要多留言给我,我一定会看的!

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  37 评论s  0 shares
Photo 73131
that's nice.
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 36943
Hi Karen , I hope to meet you when I come to HK next time! I think that you are an amazing talent. Hope we can discuss some projects. We can bring Arthur! :) -Elliott
接近 16 年 ago
Markryan f4 markryan
"Let’s all work hard together!" Well said!
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008