The day before yesterday I was so excited to attend the Elle Style Awards 2008 in Shanghai. This international women's magazine has been around for so many years and in China it has been running for 20 years now. Apart from the awards, this ceremony was also to celebrate their 20th anniversary and the scene was so grand and lively!When I was young and studying in England, I was already a big fan of the magazine. Through the magazine I learned a lot about fashion and acquiring a taste for style. After becoming an artist, I was fortunate enough to have several opportunities to appear on the cover of the magazine and to be interviewed. So to receive this ‘Most Fashionable’ award is a great honour to me!
For this ceremony, I dressed up as a ‘Little Princess’. I chose to wear Robert Cavalli’s latest design, a light yellow lacy evening dress and teaming it up myself with white lacy socks and a pair of hand painted white shoes. My hairdresser also created a hairstyle for me which he named ‘English Princess’ saying that when I step on the red carpet, I get the feeling of entering a fairytale land!
There will many people from the fashion industry attending this event, including the designer, Vivienne Tam. Personally, I really like the Cheongsam because it really does bring out the femininity and elegance in Chinese women. That’s why I really admire the designs by Vivienne Tam, her designs always retain a strong feeling of China. As she said herself, China is her roots and her inspirations originate from there. I have also sent her my latest ‘creation’, my perfume and I hope that she likes it!
Photo of World Renowned fashion designer Vivienne Tam and Japanese model Tominaga Ai
It’s been nearly a year since I last went to Shanghai so I am especially looking forward to seeing my fans there. They were so good to come and see me. One of them was heavily pregnant and another one told me that she’s getting married soon! I feel so much joy and gratitude towards them because it’s like we have watched each other grow up. I hope that all my fans will also bring their children to see me in my concerts in the future and that the whole family supports me!
| 前天到上海出席 ELLE Style Awards 2008的盛會,心中感到非常興奮!這本國際性女性雜誌在全球已經風行了很多年,在中國也創辦了二十年了,這次的盛會除了是一個頒獎典禮之外,還是他們慶祝二十周年的活動!場面非常熱鬧及隆重!我小時候在英國讀書時已經是這本雜誌的粉絲,在書中我學懂了很多潮流觸角及品味,後來進演藝圈之後更非常榮幸地多次成為雜誌封面及訪問的對象,所以這次獲得「風尚全能之星」真的感到很榮幸! prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
為了這次的盛會,我打造了一個“小公主”的造型。這次穿上的是一條淡黃色蕾絲布料的晚裝裙子,是 Roberto Cavalli最新的設計,再由我自己搭配上白色蕾絲襪子穿上有手繪圖案的白色高跟鞋,髮型師還特地幫我梳了一個他稱之為“英國公主”的髮型,所以當我走進紅地毯時頓覺好像走進童話世界一樣!
這次的盛會也來了很多世界上知名的“風尚人士”,包括時裝設計師 Vivienne Tam。我自己非常喜歡旗袍,因為它真的能夠突顯出中國女性的線條美及優雅的感覺!所以我也十分欣賞 Vivienne Tam的設計,她的設計總會保留著濃厚的中國元素,就像她自己說,中國是她的根,創作靈感都來自這兒。而我也送上我最近的“創作”,就是我的香水,希望她會喜歡!
世界知名時裝設計師 Vivienne Tam及日本名模富永愛的合照
| 前天到上海出席 ELLE Style Awards 2008的盛会,心中感到非常兴奋!这本国际性女性杂志在全球已经风行了很多年,在中国也创办了二十年了,这次的盛会除了是一个颁奖典礼之外,还是他们庆祝二十周年的活动!场面非常热闹及隆重!我小时候在英国读书时已经是这本杂志的粉丝,在书中我学懂了很多潮流触角及品味,后来进演艺圈之后更非常荣幸地多次成为杂志封面及访问的对象,所以这次获得「风尚全能之星」真的感到很荣幸! 为了这次的盛会,我打造了一个“小公主”的造型。这次穿上的是一条澹黄色蕾丝布料的晚装裙子,是 Roberto Cavalli最新的设计,再由我自己搭配上白色蕾丝袜子穿上有手绘图桉的白色高跟鞋,髮型师还特地帮我梳了一个他称之为“英国公主”的髮型,所以当我走进红地毯时顿觉好像走进童话世界一样!< /font> 这次的盛会也来了很多世界上知名的“风尚人士”,包括时装设计师 Vivienne Tam。我自己非常喜欢旗袍,因为它真的能够突显出中国女性的线条美及优雅的感觉!所以我也十分欣赏 Vivienne Tam的设计,她的设计总会保留着浓厚的中国元素,就像她自己说,中国是她的根,创作灵感都来自这儿。而我也送上我最近的“创作”,就是我的香水,希望她会喜欢! 世界知名时装设计师 Vivienne Tam及日本名模富永爱的合照 < /p>差不多一年没有来上海,所以也特别想念上海的粉丝们,他们这次都很有心过来看我。当中有一个粉丝还挺着大肚子来,另外有一个又告诉我婚期将近了!心中很是欢欣及感恩的,因为我们彼此都一直陪着大家成长,希望将来我所有的粉丝们都带着他们自己的小孩子来看我的演唱会,全家一起来支持我!