Today is the long-awaited big day because I will transform into Santa to draw out the lucky ones.Thank you for everyone's enthusiastic participation. Those who have not been drawn, don't be disappointed. Next time you will have another opportunity!
Friendship first, competition second.
Below are the winners:
13/12 maguritz
14/12 Loewe0912
15/12 quincyfung
16/12 Jessie85
17/12 Brendashao
18/12 happyjoy
19/12 HORSEloveKAREN
20/12 Ciaolovekaren
21/12 chubuda
22/12 ayiao
23/12 mickey 98
24/12 McRalphy
Grand prize goes to Karenmok0602.Everyone please check your email, you will be contacted by my staff!
Today is Boxing Day, did you guys receive presents? | 今日是萬眾期待的大日子, 因為我要化身聖誕老人為大家抽出幸運兒呢.
感謝大家熱烈參與, 沒有被抽中的朋友, 不要失望. 下次一定再有機會呢!
友誼第一, 遊戲第二.
13/12 maguritz
14/12 Loewe0912
15/12 quincyfung
16/12 Jessie85
17/12 Brendashao
18/12 happyjoy
19/12 HORSEloveKAREN
20/12 Ciaolovekaren
21/12 chubuda
22/12 ayiao
23/12 mickey 98
24/12 McRalphy
大家請留意你們的email信箱, 將會有專人聯絡你呢!
今天是boxing day, 你們有沒有收到禮物呢?| 今日是万众期待的大日子, 因为我要化身圣诞老人为大家抽出幸运儿呢。感谢大家热烈参与, 没有被抽中的朋友, 不要失望。下次一定再有机会呢!
13/12 maguritz
14/12 Loewe0912
15/12 quincyfung
16/12 Jessie85
17/12 Brendashao
18/12 happyjoy
19/12 HORSEloveKAREN
20/12 Ciaolovekaren
21/12 chubuda
22/12 ayiao
23/12 mickey 98
24/12 McRalphy
大家请留意你们的email信箱, 将会有专人联络你呢!
今天是boxing day, 你们有没有收到礼物呢?