Lunar New Year, Day 3
Wishing everybody a year full of joy and festivities; may your wallets always be full and may your year be lively and vigorous like the tiger.
Tiger – you’ll be busy with work this year, but you also have to allocate some time to be with family because the support from your family will definitely be able to help relieve your stress.
Large-billed birds tend to flock together and they love to live in an environment as a group. You need to be more like them this year - spend more time with family and friends and share your daily activities with each other!
祝大家喜慶洋洋, 荷包常滿, 虎虎生威.
虎 -工作繁忙的時間,也要抽出時間與家人相聚,因為家人的支援一定可以幫你大大減輕壓力。
聯群結隊的大咀鳥最喜愛團體生活,你今年也要跟它一樣,多跟家人及朋友一起分享生活啊 !
祝大家喜庆洋洋, 荷包常满, 虎虎生威.
虎 -工作繁忙的时间,也要抽出时间与家人相聚,因为家人的支援一定可以帮你大大减轻压力。
联群结队的大咀鸟最喜爱团体生活,你今年也要跟它一样,多跟家人及朋友一起分享生活啊 !