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Karen Mok
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Lunar New Year, Day 6|年初六|年初六

My best of wishes to everybody; may every year be an abundant year full of things, may your luck for wealth always go smoothly, and may you all be safe and sound throughout the four seasons.

Snake – The romantic and charming snake will spend quite a bit of money one beautiful clothes and jewelry this year, so you must control yourself and know your limits, do not spend money you don’t have yet! Furthermore, no matter what aim or goal you’ve set yourself for the year, you must endure till the end and don’t give up half-way!

My advice to you is that if you have extra money, you can donate it towards charity and help an organization that protects animals. The protection and care needed for young pandas require our help and support.



祝大家年年有餘, 財運亨通, 四季平安.


蛇 -浪漫而有魅力的你今年花不少錢於漂亮的服裝和飾物上,要量力而為,不要先洗未來錢啊 !而且無論你今年定下什麼目標,都應該堅持到底,不要半途而廢啊 !

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祝大家年年有馀, 财运亨通, 四季平安.


蛇 -浪漫而有魅力的你今年花不少钱于漂亮的服装和饰物上,要量力而为,不要先洗未来钱啊 !而且无论你今年定下什麽目标,都应该坚持到底,不要半途而废啊 !




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