Official Artist
Karen Mok
Actor , Singer
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Mok Mok’s General Knowledge Just for You (Part 2)|莫莫小知識話你知2|莫莫小知识话你知2

I always have new creative choreography for everyone to watch at every concert I hold.

There was even some synchronized swimming dance movies in my . When the center stage slowly rose up, you see a bright sparkling outfit, a circular stage platform that rotated, beautiful and radiant lighting, elegantly poised dancers, and a performance of graceful heartfelt dance moves accompanying the sweet romantic song, “Close to You”  - which made me feel like I was in a music box. I wonder if you had the same feeling when you watched my performance.

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我每一次演唱會中 ,都一定會有創新舞步帶給大家 ,於 <極度莫文蔚巡迴演唱會

中便出現了韻律泳舞步 .舞臺緩緩升出來時 ,閃亮的舞衣 ,旋轉的升降圓台 ,繽紛閃耀的燈光 ,姿態優美的舞蹈員 ,優雅動人的韻律泳舞步配合悅耳浪漫的 “Close to you”歌曲 ,令我感覺置身一個音樂盒中 .不知道 ,你們看的時候 ,有沒有同感呢 ?


我每一次演唱会中 ,都一定会有创新舞步带给大家 ,于 <极度莫文蔚巡迴演唱会

中便出现了韵律泳舞步 .舞台缓缓升出来时 ,闪亮的舞衣 ,旋转的升降圆台 ,缤纷闪耀的灯光 ,姿态优美的舞蹈员 ,优雅动人的韵律泳舞步配合悦耳浪漫的 “Close to you”歌曲 ,令我感觉置身一个音乐盒中 .不知道 ,你们看的时候 ,有没有同感呢 ?

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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