While I was selecting songs to remake for this album, the primary thing I had to consider was if I liked the song or not. But apart from this, I had to consider other factors as well, for example; how were we going to rearrange the new melody for the song? Would the song be suitable with the other songs on the album? How many times had it been remade before? And other factors had to be taken into consideration when making the selection. This song 《Moli Hua》 (Jasmine Flower) is a well known traditional folk song that has been around for a long time. You can’t actually trace back the origins of this song or how many people have sung it before. So attempting to do a new rendition of the song and to create a new face for this universally appreciated popular piece of work did have a certain degree of difficulty. But in the end, I have to say that I truly admire the producer for recording this song and including it in the album because I really like it a lot, and it was a challenge for me.
The songs that were selected to be remade for this album happen by chance to have a common point. That is the song and lyrics are very simple and clean. Normally, it’s just a few tunes that are repeated throughout the entire song, but it’s because of this repetitiveness that makes these songs classic and very well known, even to today. I particularly like how Ya-dong planned the music. He used some modern musical beats and added many different kinds of harmony and mixes in the music, creating a piece with many different layers and a space for people to enter, allowing the richness of the original music to come through with dimension. Looking at the selection in the entire album, this song took the longest to complete the vocal recordings because I used a lot of time trying to find out which way would be the best way to perform this particular song. When I listened to this song, I suddenly felt a light breeze blow on me and it instantly made me feel “light” as if I were drifting in mid-air. It felt very comfortable and free.
Words from the Producer, Zhang Ya-dong: Even though this song has been remade many times before, I still wanted to record this song while retaining the enriched Jiangnan flavor. With regards to the music arrangement, I deliberately recorded more voices to harmonize with the song, and I also used a beat with a very modern feel to coordinate with the melody, creating a classic song that is also filled with class and style. | 為一張翻唱專輯選曲時,要考慮的首要因素除了是我自己喜歡之外,也會考慮到其他的因素,例如歌曲的旋律是要計畫如何重新編排,跟專輯中其他的歌曲配合與否,之前曾經被改編的次數多寡等等的因素來決定;《茉莉花》這一首在民間流傳已久的民歌,根本就已經追尋不到確實的出處及有多少人唱過,所以要重新處理,為這首膾炙人口的民間作品譜上新面貌,是有一定難度的。不過到最後我還是說服了製作人把這首歌收錄在專輯當中,因為我真的非常喜歡這首歌曲,也視為給自己的一個挑戰。prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
雖然這首歌被翻唱的次數真的很多,不過我還是想要將這首充滿江南風情的情調保留著;在編曲方面我刻意錄製多重人聲做和音,並使用充滿現代感覺的節拍配合,營造出一個既古典又富有時尚氣息的一首歌。| 为一张翻唱专辑选曲时,要考虑的首要因素除了是我自己喜欢之外,也会考虑到其他的因素,例如歌曲的旋律是要计画如何重新编排,跟专辑中其他的歌曲配合与否,之前曾经被改编的次数多寡等等的因素来决定;《茉莉花》这一首在民间流传已久的民歌,根本就已经追寻不到确实的出处及有多少人唱过,所以要重新处理,为这首脍炙人口的民间作品谱上新面貌,是有一定难度的。不过到最后我还是说服了製作人把这首歌收录在专辑当中,因为我真的非常喜欢这首歌曲,也视为给自己的一个挑战。 这一张专辑内所翻唱的旧歌,它们都不约而同有个共通点,就是歌曲跟歌词都是十分简洁,通常一整首歌都是在不停重覆那几句旋律,但偏偏也因此而成为所有人都琅琅上口的经典歌曲并一直流传至今!我自己尤其喜欢亚东在音乐上的设计,他採用一些现代的音乐节奏,并加上多重和音编排溷合在音乐当中,营造出很多层次及让人投入的空间,使本身的音乐已经能呈现出丰富的立体感觉。而在整张专辑当中,这也是我花最多时间去完成配唱工作,因为我花了很多时间去摸索用那一种最好的演绎方式去诠释这首歌。听到这首歌的时候彷佛有一阵微风吹过,整个人就好像“轻飘飘”一样,很舒服自在。 製作人张亚东的话: 虽然这首歌被翻唱的次数真的很多,不过我还是想要将这首充满江南风情的情调保留着;在编曲方面我刻意录製多重人声做和音,并使用充满现代感觉的节拍配合,营造出一个既古典又富有时尚气息的一首歌。