Me and Master Billy wishes everyone good health, abundant wealth, have a prosperous family, and eternal happiness.
I will firstly present the horoscope for the year of the rat.
Rat - This year's performance is especially outstanding. Compared to the past, management of matters is even more positive, you will also often take the intiative, and making an all-out effort, will lead to success. Yellow is your lucky colour, might as well raise a little yellow animal! But before you raise a pet you must think carefully, because it is a lifetime responsibility!
我與比利大師祝大家身體健康, 財源廣進, 家肥屋潤, 笑口常開.
鼠 -今年表現特別出色,處事比以往更為積極,很多時也會採取主動,全力以赴,一定會成功的。黃色是你幸運顏色,不仿養殖一隻黃色的小動作吧 !但養寵物前一定要三思,這是一生一世的責任啊 !
prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /| 年初一 我与比利大师祝大家身体健康, 财源广进, 家肥屋润, 笑口常开. 先送上鼠年运程 鼠 -今年表现特别出色,处事比以往更为积极,很多时也会採取主动,全力以赴,一定会成功的。黄色是你幸运颜色,不彷养殖一隻黄色的小动作吧 !但养宠物前一定要三思,这是一生一世的责任啊 !