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One World – Australia Part 1: Best Job in the World|一個地球 – 澳洲篇 第一集|一个地球 – 澳洲篇 第一集

In October 2009, I was invited by NOW TV to film a travel documentary in Australia called “One World”. The first episode of this program is finally being aired on January 16th on 100 channels of NOW television in Hong Kong. This special program will be split and broadcast over five episodes. Everyone will be able to watch this program every week on Saturday night and you’ll be able to see the experiences I had in Australia. If you have this television channel at home then you must remember to grab a good seat in front of the TV and watch the program ~ because this program covers so many exciting things. Even when I watch parts of the documentary now, I still can’t help but smile with joy~

Let me tell you a little bit about some of the exciting things that happen in the first episode. We stayed in Queensland for quite a while. Last year, the Queensland Tourism Board put out an international recruitment advertisement, seeking to employ someone to look after the Great Barrier Reef. This person is responsible for looking after one of nature’s rare gems (Great Barrier Reef) and to promote tourism in Queensland. But at the same time, the successful applicant will also be able to stay in gorgeous big house on one of the islands at the beautiful Great Barrier Reef, also known as one of the seven great wonders of the world, and have fun everyday eating and drinking, or even bring along his girlfriend where they can enjoy a very romantic lifestyle. This job recruitment is also known as the Best Job in the World! During this episode, I get to meet the man who got this great job, BEN, and I’ll also take everyone on a short journey to better understand his lifestyle and the work he does that would make us all jealous.

We also visit one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Whitehaven Beach. Honestly, this place is just like heaven. I can now say that I’ve finally experienced what it means when people say “the sea is jade green sea with clear blue skies”, or “clear waters and fine sand”! We went out to sea on a boat, drank champagne and enjoyed a buffet. On a picture perfect day, we admired the amazing views of the Great Barrier Reef.


At the moment, the Great Barrier Reef is under the threat of global warming. Water temperatures are slowly increasing which is slowing down the growth of coral on the reef. Not only that, diseases and algae blooms are continuously increasing. Everybody truly needs to change their own ways, maintain a good sense of environmental protection, love our planet, and protect our environment. We hope that through this program, we’ll be able to bring out a very important message to our viewers so that the great things of nature will be able to continue to survive.

If any of you, after reading my blog or watching the travel program, have any traveling experiences or any ideas of environmental protection that you’d like to share, you can leave me a message here~ I’ll also write a brief introduction every week for each episode and tell you about some of the exciting things that will happen in the program and show you some pictures. So don’t forget to keep an eye out for it~!


2009年 10月我被 NOW TV邀請到澳洲拍攝旅遊特輯 <一個地球

,終於在 1月 16日晚上 8: 30於 NOW香港 100台正式播出第一集了,這個特輯總共會分開五集播播出,每個星期六晚上同樣時間大家都可以看到我在澳洲的所見所聞,如果家裡能夠收看此頻道的朋友一定要記得準時 “擔定櫈仔 ”收看了 ~因為內容實在太過精彩了,我現在看到片段也會不禁暗自微笑呢 ~

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先跟大家透露一下第一集的精彩內容;我們在澳洲逗留在昆士蘭的時間最長,而昆士蘭旅遊局在上年全球招聘了一位大堡礁保育員,他的任務就是要肩負起保育大堡礁這個大自然瑰寶及振興昆士蘭旅遊的使命,不過他在任期間也同時可以在這個被列為 <新世界七大自然奇景

之一的大堡礁群島上住漂亮的大屋,每天吃喝玩樂,還有帶同女朋友一起過浪漫的生活,堪稱為世界上最棒的工作 (Best job in the world)呢!而這一集我們可以跟這位“打工皇帝” BEN碰面之餘,更帶大家一起瞭解一下他的生活及令人羡慕的工作。



我們更到達全世家最美麗的沙灘之一的 Whitehaven Beach暢玩,這裡真的像是人間仙境一樣,我終於親自感受到何謂“碧海藍天”,“水清沙幼”!我們一起乘坐帆船出海,在船上喝香檳,享受自助餐,在風和日麗的天氣下欣賞大堡礁的怡人美景。





大家如果看完了我的 blog又或者看完了這個旅遊特輯後,有什麼旅遊經驗或者環保建議想跟大家分享,可以在這邊給我留言啊 ~我也會在每個星期跟大家率先介紹每一集的精彩內容和分享漂亮的照片,大家記得要密切留意了 ~!




2009年 10月我被 NOW TV邀请到澳洲拍摄旅游特辑 <一个地球

,终于在 1月 16日晚上 8: 30于 NOW香港 100台正式播出第一集了,这个特辑总共会分开五集播播出,每个星期六晚上同样时间大家都可以看到我在澳洲的所见所闻,如果家裡能够收看此频道的朋友一定要记得准时 “担定櫈仔 ”收看了 ~因为内容实在太过精彩了,我现在看到片段也会不禁暗自微笑呢 ~


先跟大家透露一下第一集的精彩内容;我们在澳洲逗留在昆士兰的时间最长,而昆士兰旅游局在上年全球招聘了一位大堡礁保育员,他的任务就是要肩负起保育大堡礁这个大自然瑰宝及振兴昆士兰旅游的使命,不过他在任期间也同时可以在这个被列为 <新世界七大自然奇景

之一的大堡礁群岛上住漂亮的大屋,每天吃喝玩乐,还有带同女朋友一起过浪漫的生活,堪称为世界上最棒的工作 (Best job in the world)呢!而这一集我们可以跟这位“打工皇帝” BEN碰面之馀,更带大家一起瞭解一下他的生活及令人羡慕的工作。



我们更到达全世家最美丽的沙滩之一的 Whitehaven Beach畅玩,这裡真的像是人间仙境一样,我终于亲自感受到何谓“碧海蓝天”,“水清沙幼”!我们一起乘坐帆船出海,在船上喝香槟,享受自助餐,在风和日丽的天气下欣赏大堡礁的怡人美景。





大家如果看完了我的 blog又或者看完了这个旅游特辑后,有什麽旅游经验或者环保建议想跟大家分享,可以在这边给我留言啊 ~我也会在每个星期跟大家率先介绍每一集的精彩内容和分享漂亮的照片,大家记得要密切留意了 ~!




almost 15 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares
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take me with you next time!
almost 15 years ago
Photo 95928
I hope you went to Tasmania. The most beautiful place on the planet in my opinion.
almost 15 years ago


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